2005 Archive


October, 14 th

The players have decided to travel to Newfoundland to recover a spellbook for the Lizard Mage E'mm'erem. While traveling, they encounter some Free Québec troops. Jericho has offert them to transport in his APC some supplies at the ST-Jonh millitary base at the other side of the Free Québec territories (Near Newfoundland) and managed to get escorted on the way by SAMAS.


28, October

After an encounter with an exploring alien cyborg, the players reach a small fisherman town, where Ryoko ferry on a boat to the island of Newfoundland. While Jericho pick up Stevie and Jolie and cross the water by air. On the island they encounter some Faeries (actually Pixies) and make friend with them. Suddenly, out of nowhere, two flying Splugorth barges attack the faeries. The players quickly got rid of them, making the blind warrior women on the run that they finally stop them. As a reward, the Faeries show them the hideout on the island, of the book they search for. After get rid of the guardians, who where a small colony of Fire worm, they enter the underground wizard entrance …


5, November

The players meet some new friends; one is an average looking man in his early thirties with long black hair braided down to his waist.  A keen smile hints at his mouth at all times.  Deep set grey eyes observe all things carefully; they seem to hint at years of experience. He’s dressed in simple robes sandals and a straw hat.  A small bundle on his back holds all he owns in the world.


The other one is a large, barrel-chested, and muscle bound creature. His head is long and vaguely reminiscent to that of a dragon or dinosaur. His skin is smooth and thought, like rawhide, and his tan-gold color. His neck, upper spine, shoulders and elbows are further protected with hard, bony fins.


The players with the news friends explore the wizard hideout; they encounter some magical traps and nameless guardians. They finally reach a room where there’s a bright bluish light in the center. There’s an opening in the middle of the light. As they step into the light, they feel like a wave running throw them. All the surrounding as change. The players are now standing in an open misty space. The sky is red-black, the ground is muddy. There’s a lake at your left, a pedestal at some distance of you on a small mount with a book on it, protected by glass cover. Using is Telekinesis power, Ryoko move out the glass cover and begin to retrieve the book … But as soon as the book move out, a sudden wind blow out, gaining strength n second, forming a huge tornado. They notice also there something taking form on the lake, taking a body of water! The ground shake as a large mount form right in from of the pedestal and a lava kind of creature is walking to their position. (It was four elementals: one of fire, earth, water and air)


The players run back, with the book, to the portal. Ryoko try to slow them up with her TK field while the other runs to the exit of the hideout. Lau Kar Leung use is palm strike on the ceiling and collapse the tunnel and head last of the wizard hideout.


November 11 th

The players have been warm by the faeries that the Splugorth actively search for them on the island. The players try to reach the shore as fast as they can, they been caught by a Splugorth hunter squad. After the battle, they reach the shore, but no way back to the outside of the coast and the weather is turning into a raging storm with a thick, rolling black (or dark) cloud, rippling with blue -ley energy, and flashing down charged bolts of lightning. Jericho try is chance to fly above the water to bring a boat from the fisherman town while Lau Kar Leung walk lightly on the water! While travelling, Jericho was truck by a lightning bolt and most of his sensory system fry out. He was teleported directly to the fisherman town! Jericho quickly takes one boat and head back to recover his friends. When they finally reach the fisherman town, the storm still rage on and the players decide to go to sleep.


November, 18 th

The players travel back to Lazlo to the west. While travelling the pass on the CS Free Québec and encounter some CS troops that let them pass. At the end of the day, they reach the town of Lagrange (North of the lake Ontario), where the town folk are grateful for saving them before. They organize a party and Ryoko goes wild. Meanwhile, Lau Kar Leung investigate a near by negative chi source at the outside of the town. He finds out strange tall monolith disposed in circle in the grass field. There, he finds someone, an oriental one, sitting in lotus position. He name is Yama Feu Long and he was meditating on that dragon path to replenish his strength. Lau Kar Leung sense that this man is not was he appear to be and suspect to be a demon of some kind. Yama reveal that he came from the 9 th hells from china and he won’t do any harm to the local, but if they ever meet him at his home, he warm Lau that there will be a confrontation. Then Lau Kar Leung returns to joint his friends.


December 9 th

The players finally reach the city of Lazlo, where they head to Horus’s tower. They where greet by a student named Joey. He lead them the way to a small cosy room, where E’mm’erem wait for them. In exchange of the book, he give to Jericho lots of money, to Ryoko : He make her wish come truth and temporary turn her into a tiny (6 inches tall) faeries of pale complexion, pale golden hair and adorned with magnificent white pastel colored (a Silver bells faerie) and for the other, he offer free repair. Joey decide to joint the group on their adventure.


December 16 th

The players decide to spend the night at the hotel. Meanwhile Ryoko pull up a nice show on the street in front of the hotel; dancing and flipping in her costume (Odd bronze metallic bikini and matching collar with a chain’’). She attracts a big crowd and everyone enjoyed themselves. When suddenly .out of a dark alley, an ugly creature jump on the crowd. The creature is a walking nightmare; standing 15 feet tall and 25 feet long, its got spines all over is monstrous body. His eyes are the speckled mass on the side of its head and it’s got a large maw. The thing gobbles one man in whole and almost everyone was struck by fear. Ryoko rapidly fought the creature with the help of Stevie and manage to kill the thing.


In the morning, the players went out to find some employment. They meet E’mm’erem again and ask him if he have something for them. E’mm’erem said: ‘’I know there’s someone who might need your service. He’s a friend of mine, a merchant coming from Stormspire. He has a very difficult time coming here to sell products to Lazlo. It was he’s fist travel outside of Stormspire and he was unprepared to the danger, he lost most of his bodyguards and barely manages to get here alive.’’ And he also add : ‘’For now he selling his stuff to the market, when he will sell it all, he will need some protection to get back to his home.’’


The players also try out the local message board and find out something interesting: ‘’the council of Lazlo offer ‘’ for investigating incursion of ‘’Insect-like creature’’ appearing in the Northern border for the last month. Those creatures are destroying crops and we want to know a first report on those creature on what they want and if they are hostile. For more information for this job, see the consultant Kathleen Smith at the trade centre’’ Then the player decide to went back at the hotel to decide what to do.