January 6th 2006


The players decide to meet the merchant that E’mm’erem talk about. They find him in front of a flying craft on the ground; the vehicle is very flat and slightly curved. It has an enclosed cockpit at the front, with a long sleek body. Standing in from there’s a stand where a merchant selling his stuffs; mostly weapons. The merchant is blond haired man with nice clothing and sidearm weapons attached on his belt. An high tech mercenary is standing beside him. He looks likes an old veteran and his assorted with many weaponry and camouflage-painted body armor. He seems ready for anything. The merchant introduce himself: ‘’Oh, E’mm’erem send you up. Great I need some experienced bodyguards. My name is Alex Mcknight; I came from the city of Stormpire. I was hoping to establish a trade road between here and Stormspire, but I never thought that the travel was so hard and dangerous !’’. The merchant tell them that he ready to return to Stormspire tomorrow morning. The players decide to accept the mission and went back to discuss what they need for the trip.


January 13th


The players resolve their dilemma by buying a large TW flying platform to carry their possession like their ground vehicles. In the morning, they pick up Ryoko and are ready to follow Alex the merchant and Old Timer onboard their TW Ley Streaker. They travel to the South-West, following the edge of Lake Ontario. They pass over the Cartier-Fury Ranch., go around the ghost city of Detroit, and finally reach the city of New Lazlo. Where they stop for a break, before taking on the most dangerous road to Stormspire.

January 21th


The players meet a cop from the NGR named Minerva, she was following them for some time now. She is searching for a criminal called Andernach and learn that the players has all ready meet him. In the hope of finding Andernach, Minerva joints the players on their escort mission to Stormspire. Taking off on their aircraft, they head south. After half of hour of travelling; the plain is replaced by wilderness. The trees cover the land under, they are valley, and small river and you can see an amalgam of wild live. When a storm erupt from the south in reach them in no time. A black cloud with what appears to be blue under-lighting, constantly writhing and pulsing with raw energy. You can ear a horrible wail in the air, like the wail of dozen of Banshee hurling to storm. Lightning strikes down the Ley streaker and the flying platform and they went down. The Ley streaker was badly damaged in the left wing; Joey and Old Timer try their best to make repair the craft airborne again. They take off and head south again. One moment they are flying over the forest, the next moment the entire forest blurs and then shimmers with silver light. Suddenly, the forest has been replaced by Replaced by a sort of moonscape with pointed pillars of stone jutting from the ground, 5-10 feet (1.5 to 3 m) tall. The phenomenon last almost half an hour and then the forest went back. They have lost track of their location and the time, since the sun is all ready setting down. They see a dark and menacing forest ahead. They don’t want to push the Ley streaker to much, so they decide to land in to spend the night on the ground. The forest is dark and menacing and thing is getting worse as the sun set down. Jolie is scared and she run off into the forest, Jericho catches her and comforts her. Then the shadow himself attack them, some of them try to shoot out with their weapons. Jericho try to use is plasma weapon to make some light that cast away the shadow. And then Joey use is spell Globe of daylight to effectually protect everyone from the shadow. The players decide to set ablaze the forest around in the hope of getting away the shadow.


January 27th


Has the shadows stay out of the light, the players made an attempt to leave the area onboard their flying aircraft. But as soon that the Ley streaker leave the light, the shadows attack it and damage the same wing again and the ley streaker fall down. Joey, piloting the flying platform, tries to reach the ley streaker. But they are been attacked and the flying platform crash down. Things got bad as they fight the shadows in the dark and Joey manages to cast one globe of day light and successfully repel the shadows. Alex the merchant was badly hurt in the head and Ryoko heal him. The players decide to spend the night there: Joey keeps casting his spell all night and the others stand watch.


In the morning, the shadows are gone; like a nightmare when you woke up. The players resume they travel to the south. After a while, they see black cloud in the horizon and they soon flight under it. The sky is almost pitch black from the dark clouds above them, it's raining blood and purple lightning strikes like it's trying to hit the aircrafts. Then, coming out of the cloud, they are tentacles reaching out to the aircrafts! Almost everyone is fear struck. One of them catch Ryoko and pull her out in the air and hanging her upside down.


February 3rd


Ryoko was pulls out into the cloud by the tentacle that entangled her. Jericho, on his wing, tries to rescue her by shooting at the tentacle thing. Into the cloud, Ryoko can’t see anything but red cloud, she try to free herself, fighting off with her weapons at her disposal. She senses a horrible stench as something like a large maw try to chew her! She finally successfully cut the tentacle that restrain her and she fall down. Concentrating herself, she floats away into the flying board. Meanwhile, all the tentacles retract themselves into the cloud, there was a red flash, and then the cloud shrinks out completely, leaving an empty sky.


After recovering from the encounter, the players resume course to the south. After a moment: ‘’we have kind of problem’’ said Old timer ‘’we have travelled south for quite a while now and I don’t see any of my know landmark yet. So, we’re lost!’’. Jericho flies by and find out a small town near by. The little town is calm and peaceful. They talk to the local and find out that this is a fade town and the wanted some spare part that Alex provide. They said that Stormspire is about 70 miles North-west of here, so the players resume their travel. Then they finally reach the city of Stormspire. Where in the center of the large industrial city, there’s a glistening obsidian tower that is the largest building in the city. They land on a large manufacture repair hangar, where Alex has his commerce. The players decide to explore the city on their own. The city has over six dozen taverns, three dozen hoarding houses, a gladiatorial/Juicer arena, two gambling casinos, several body-chop-shops, movie theatres, houses of pleasure, drug dens, and scores of shops selling just about everything imaginable


February 11th


The players pass the night in a hotel room in Stormspire. In the morning, they meet Alex the merchant again and discuss the payment and they agreed on the term. Afterward Alex asks for their help again. ‘’I been ask to sell out a new product on the market. This is a new line of merchandise, that at Stormspire, we never set our hand on it. We want to sell out military bots. Until recently, we didn’t have the know how and the technology to do it. There are well tested prototypes and they are ready to sell on the market. I was asked to sell those prototypes to one of our neighbour and I need your service as bodyguard again.’’ ‘’We will take the zone ranger, since the Ley streaker is in extensive repair and we would head to the city of Kingsdale.’’ At that point, Jericho proposes to use the flying platform to transport the bots and use the APC and the Zone ranger to run on the ground and Alex agreed. The players prepare their crafts for depart and Alex brings on the bots: There are a dozen different shaped grey metallic bots. Two are giant bot about 9 feet tall with humanoid features. ‘’Those two are called Colossus’’ said Alex; five of them are dog-like bots, about the same size as a large dog. ‘’Those are nicknamed Dogbot’’ add Alex; four of them are six-legged spider-like bot, about 4 feet tall. ‘’Those are nicknamed Spiderbot’’ add Alex and the last one is a metallic grey humanoid bot with a jet pack. ‘’That one is called proto-bot, it was the first prototype made and he’s not for sale, it’s just a demo.’’ Add Alex. Then the players leave Stormspire.


February 17th


As the players headed to the west to Kingsdale, they encounter some mages who where tracked and hunted down by some Mystic knight and a pack of Darkhounds. The leader of the mage explained that: ‘’we were the one who track them; our mission was to investigate the murder of the townsfolk’s of a small fade town. But we find out those mystic knights and we nearly perish and we ran out and they let their allied darkhound hunt us.’’. So the players decided to help them up and prepare themselves to the imminent battle. 12 Darkhounds and 3 Mystic knights soon arrive. Jericho manages to blast many of the Darkhounds with minis than the fight went on. With shared determination and cunning, the players successfully dispose of the enemies.


February 24th


The players reach the city of Kingsdale and Alex the merchant sell all the bots on the merchant’s plaza. They spend the night at the Happy Days Inn and head back to Stormspire.


March 11th


At Stormspire, Stevie receive a message from Proto-one over radio. He wants Stevie to follow him to his creator. Not taking any chance, Stevie head back for his friends to come with me and Proto-one wait for him. He reveals that he’s actually an advanced android that looks like a young little boy and they should meet Proto-one creator. Proto-one head to the industrial part of the city. There’s a large workshop, a two stories building, where’s Proto-one enter one of the side doors and the players enter. Inside, there’s all sort of automated assembly bots working on electronics parts. There are also several high-tech machineries and an instrumental lab in a corner. Proto-one head into the maze-like assembly bots to the lab, where’s two man are waiting. The first man has bald hair with grey hair at the side and moustache. He’s wearing a white lab clothe with grey trouser. The other one is young man is wearing black suit armor with a red large X on it and his wearing a black helmet. You noticed that there’s gems inserted into the armor and he has several weapons at his side. There are several bots standing near by. (Looks like those the players sell at Kingsdale).


‘’So, this is the marvellous Dr. Light’s creation, very remarkable indeed.’’ said the grey haired man. ‘’What is your name?’’ he ask

‘’Err .. I’m Stevie’’ he said

‘’I have a proposition for you, you will work for me.’’ he said

Stevie ask what he wants from him.

‘’I once have a dream. I dreamed of a world where the bots serve human and respond to our every needs. But, while I was researching subspace phenomena, I accidentally end up in this world. This world is fascinating; it filled with wonder and horror that can chill your soul. I eventually find this place and worked here. I was able to resume my work and this world gives me news ideas. To make those news ideas, I need a new partner.’’ He then show the other man with is hand. ‘’This is my new partner Exion, he’s has specialities are in the area of magical devices that incorporated into my newly made bots.’’ As he speak out fours bots stepping in from another room. There are strange metallic humanoids, they got four arms, a demonic shaped faced with bright red eyes. Two of is arms has been replaced with weapons that looks like modified rail guns. The thing got several gems incrusted into his body.

‘’Of course my name is Dr Willy’’ said the man

After a short deliberation and accessing his files on Dr. Willy, Stevie refuse to work for that man who seems to be evil.

‘’Then I would have find your secrets by myself and tears you apart!’’ said Dr. Willy


Then the fight went on with Dr. Willy bots. At the first sight of trouble, Dr. Willy push a button, an elevator shaft, under Dr. Willy and Exion feet, quickly rise up to the ceiling where a trap open up. They flee onboard a fast flying hovercraft. Meanwhile, the fight went on with Dr.Willy’s bots. Jericho manages to disable many with his Electro-cannon. One of the giant bots fires mini-missiles at Stevie and Ryoko manage to counter them with her own. The explosion blast destroyed part of the warehouse and the roof is beginning to collapse. The players quickly leave the building. Stevie, seeing that Proto-one didn’t move an inch since the beginning of the confrontation, ask him to come out with them. Proto-one , his arms and legs shaking, move slowly toward the exit. Then the roof collapse on him, buried under tons of debris.


The players went back, cutting and removing the debris as best as they can, liberating Proto-one. ‘’Why did you save me? I don’t understand’’ he said. Stevie explain to him that he want him to be free and to become his friend. Proto-one try is best to understand this concept and agree to follow them. At that moment, some peoples on their wing boards arrive on the wreckage. One of them said: ‘’you are under arrest for destroying Stormspire properties’’


March 17th


The players were accused of destroying Stormspire properties. They prove to the cops that they did not start the fight, but according to Stormspire laws, they must paid part of the repairs. They went to the magistrate and he rule out that they must paid 1.8 millions for the repairs! Stevie, Jericho and Joey point out that Dr. Willy was using his bots as spawn for is world domination and the Magistrate decide to step back on his ruling until proof is bring on. Until then a full investigations is being ordered and the players are forbidden to leave the city. The players went back to their rooms and discuss the situation and try to find out a way to get the proof they need.


March 24th


The players went back meeting their friend Alex the merchant. He said that he didn’t know Dr. Willy personally and he receive the jobs from K’zaa himself; the great ruler of the city. Alex was shocked to learn about the possible treat from Dr. Willy bots and this is bad for is busyness. So, Alex helps them by giving them the list of the bots he sells out, gather information from his contacts and he will talk to his boss about this possible treat. In the morning, they players are wake up by someone representing the magistrate; they are convened to the court. At the court, they are found not guilty and Dr. Willy and his associate is now wanted criminal.


On the outside of the court, the players encounter three blond headed little girls that look the same, dressed in blue robe with ribbons. They recite a strange incantation that looks like a prophecy and they then simply vanish!


March 31th


The players went back meeting their friend Alex the merchant to learn more about the strange little girls. Alex advice them to meet a Grey seer that he know of. There is a man sitting down on the ground, he wear a simple garment and sandal. The man is meditating and then seems to notice you and said: ‘’Welcome, wary travellers, please sit down with me.’’ The man touch Jolie’s belly, after a moment he said: ‘’you are blessed with life my child, you bare a boy into your wound.’’. He turns to Jericho and holds his hand and said: ‘’One of your friends is in great need, he need your help. He tries to reach you with a message in a bottle.’’ Then he goes to Joey. As soon the man hold your hand, he enter into a trance and said: ‘’your fate seem to be linked to an upcoming …’’ Suddenly his voice change, taking a deep borborygmus voice, his face change drastically with obvious pain and he said:


‘’She is all to me
Mysterious, alive
The howling in the deep woods
When cold festal stars aligned’’


‘’ A lurid moon looms; phosphorent, evil
Yesod vested in despotic upheaval
Silvering wolves that scarlet forest snow
Forgotten ones ebter as above, so below’’


Then his voice reverts back to normal: ‘’ … great danger… What just happened here?’’


‘’I can’t remember what I was saying’’ he said


Frowning is eyebrow, he said ‘’looks like one of the premonitions of the seven great danger to me. I don’t know what it means, but I suggest to find the answer before it’s too late.’’ He then advises them to meet the council of Lazlo.


The players went back to Alex. He gives them their paid and proposes them a new job to them. To recover the Dr. Willy bots at Kingsdale. So, our heroes prepare themselves on the flying platform and make the trip to Kinsdale, where they spend the night at Hotel.


April 7th


In the morning, the players went to find the buyers of Dr. Willy bots to recover them. After some effort, they manage to recover some of them. As Jericho and Jolie meet the Kingdale’s city guard, one of them tell them that a merchant named Joe searched for Jericho, Ryu, Marcus, and Jolie and he was at the Happy day’s hotel.


At the hotel, they meet the merchant and he said he have a bot to sell to them that contain personal information’s about them.


He shows to them a grey metallic bot that looks like of one of Nema bot. Jericho paid for the asked prize and they bring him to their hotel room. After some attempt from Jericho and Jolie: The bot said the following recorded message: ‘’I’m Pierre Tombale, I hope that this message will be send to my friends Ryu, Jericho, Jolie and Marcus party. If you are one of my friends, there is information’s about what happen to me inside that bot. You will know how to do it.’’


Ryoko using her telemechanic abilities find out, buried in the CPU, a message from Pierre and the video recording since the activation of the bot.


Pierre Message:


‘’Dear Friend, I don’t know how to start, so much has happen. I was so dump when I think they were actually members of the Lazlo archaeology. I was duped by them and the next thing I know, I was rifted, and you should have seen this marvellous phenomenon! But I’m too weak to talk about it now. They put in me a strange parasite on my neck and I find out that I was doing everything they order me. They make me disarm the bot self-destruct program and reprogram them. I’m now in a holding cell inside an industrial complex. I feel so feeble since they remove the parasite and do not even have the strength to think on how to escape.


How I manage to send this message? I make an unexpected friend here from one of my jailor. A bounty hunter who’s tired of this job and he become a trusted friend. He doesn’t want to reveal is identities for obvious reasons.


Afterward, they put back the dam parasite and order me to start out schematic plan to built new bots. I only built a few now and I fear that once production goes smoothly they will get rid of me.


We formulate a plan to send out a message by one of the bots and my new friend said that he will manage to get it ‘’loss’’ somewhere on Rifts Earth. I wrote this message in a hope that will stop whatever they try to do with those bots and that it’s maybe too late to save me. My friends as put some data on the location of the industrial complex. Farewell my friends, Pierre.’’


You find the data talk about: The industrial complex, where Pierre is detained, is located on third planet on the Devron system, inside the Paradise federation. There’s a detailed maps of the Paradise federation and the precise landscape location on the planet.’’


The Recording:


You can see and hear anything that the bots recorded since his activation. You see a High tech facility with lot of machinery. Then the bots (a dozen of them) climb onboard a small spaceship and put inside a cargo hold. After it seems a long while, some crew members (looks like normal human with a spacesuit) point at the bot and said that one is to be sell at Phase world.


Then the bot find himself in an incredibly large way-station crowed with thousands of people of every shape and color milling around, entering or leaving though one of the hundreds of dimensional gates. The bots step into one of them and then he went blank. There is no further data.


Last game: You have begun gathering Dr. Willy’s bots when you encounter a merchant who sell you out a bot he claim to be your properties. The bot contain information from your friend Pierre Tombale. He has been detained inside an industrial complex on some remote planet.


April 14th


The players continue on their jobs to recover the bots. Meanwhile, Joey return to Stormspire by using the ley line and get the proof and the money he need to convince the buyers to return back their purchased bots. Jericho, Jolie and Stevie went to the Ye Atchemy shoppe in the hope to find out the shifter and the temporal raider. The manager, a lizard mage, offers them to reach of them and to bring backs those bots … for a prize of course. The only one he can’t do is the I’ Jack Juicer gang. They finally find them near a Juicer bar called the ‘’Skeleton key’’. After seeing how they trash the bot, Jericho proposes to the leader a stunt. With his grapple hooks wing’s he carry the bot around, making acrobatic feat and crash it several time on the nearby roof while the gang cheer up. He then returns to the hotel with the bot. After his return to Kingsdale, Joey meet Toby, paid him, recover the bot and bring it back to the barge. Stevie remove the bots power supplies and they secure it on the barge.


April 21st


In the afternoon, after receiving a message from Slither the lizard mage, the players meet him at Ye Atchemy shoppe. The lizard mage said: ‘’I’ve warned the shifter Perry and the temporal raiders Mohini and bring back the bots. They’re in the back of my tent. Mohini was not happy about this! I have paid a refund on your behalf. It cost me 250 000! I hope that you got the money.’’.


He then adds on: ‘’As for Robot control, they have leave the region to find out about some strange bots sighting in the east. I have send one messenger to them and I expect to not ear from him for several weeks now.’’


The players bring back the bots to the flying barge and they are ready to leave in the morning.


April 28th


The flying barge takes off and you headed to Stormspire. Approaching on the horizon, there is a black cloud with what appears to be blue under-lighting, constantly writhing and pulsing with raw energy. Inside the storm: They see brief appearances of what looked like people screaming from their life essence being trapped in the ley line. Lightning stroke near the barge and one of them hit them with some damage. After a while, they flew out of the storm and they reach Stormspire. There, they deliver the bots and meet Alex. Jericho asks if he can help to find their lost friend Pierre. Alex arranges a meeting with K’zaa himself, he said he can’t help them out to reach Phase world.


They meet K’zaa and he agree to help them out and he said that he can open a portal leading to Phase world. After some preparation from the players, K’zaa begin incanting this powerful spell. After a while, there is an opening in the shimmering, bluish-white wall of energy leading to another world that appears before them and they step into it.


They find themselves in an incredibly large way-station crowed with thousands of people of every shape and color milling around, entering or leaving though one of the hundreds of dimensional gates. A dozen exotic smells and hundreds of alien noises and sights are overloading their senses. After meeting the local authorities, they are lost in the overpopulated crowd when they meet someone who might help them to guide them in that strange world …


Mai 6th


The man offer then to guide them into the city and the players ask for the free trade zone. They take the monorail and they contemplate the wonder of this gigantic city. At the free trade zone, Ryoko manage to make some lucrative busyness, while Jericho sell is NEMA Gunbuster PA and get lots of money, a cool Silverhawk PA and Naruni body armor with force field for his friends.


The players needed a starship and through their guide then find someone called Menace with his starship ‘’The Lady bug’’. The Lady bug is sleek and dangerous looking, with a needle-like profile broken up by the cargo/crew compartment which is round and tear-drop shaped. The twin contravity engines on each side resemble horns.


There, they meet Magus (His helmet has an insect or crustacean appearance with insect-like eyes, open pincer-like mouth area, and long, segmented hood that extends beyond the head, down over the neck and part of the upper back. It is made either of composite materials with plates and padding or magically created materials. The hands and arms are covered in padding but the fingers are usually tipped with metal or ceramic

spike-like claws), who was just being hired and work as a crewmen for Menace

The captain menace ask for 800 000 universal credits for the trip to the Devron system. After reviewing the maps given by proto-one, one of the crewmen estimates that the trip would take 1.2 month.


In the last game: You left Phase world onboard the Lady bug and headed for the Devron system.


After a month onboard of the ship, thing are dull, you spend most of your time playing cart game and making joke with time.


Mai 12th


One day ahead of the Devron system, the captain ask to meet the players in the ready room where they discuss plan and strategies for the rescue operation. The first part of the plan went flawlessly; they intercept and capture a runner ship heading to the system. They interrogate the crews and learn that they are delivering cargo to the facility and take a cargo of bots. The players are now ready for the next phase of the plan …


Mai 19th


The runner ship head to the Devron system; the system consists of a red dwarf star with one gas giant planet and the rest is small debris of wandering planetoid and asteroid belt. As they enter the system, they receive a message: ’Please identify yourself and send us your protocol.’’ and with the help Hotaka; they send the proper response from the captured com. ‘’Access authorized, please land on the outside of the facility as usual. A team will be ready.’


The ship head to the small planetoid that looks like a small version of the moon. Grey dusted area with crater and low gravity. There’s a Merchant ship orbiting the planetoid. The runner ship plots a course to land on the planetoid near the facility. As they descend, they prepare themselves to leave on the escape pod. At the same time, a massive solar flare erupts (thanks to Menace on the Lady bug) and disrupts all communication.


In the last few 500 feet, the runner alter course to crash landing on the facility complex while the player escape the ship. Everything went with no sound as there no atmosphere on the planetoid. The runner ship crash down, on the Control tower and the near by building like the LRM launcher, the force field generator and the bots facility. Crushing down all of them, except for the bots facility who receive minimal damage.


Ryoko in her astral form search the base for a sign of Pierre. She quickly finds him in a holding cell inside the living quarter. Pierre seems more skinner than usual and his face is elongated. He stand on the ground and he barely move. She tries her best to get him out of the holding cell.


The base is in turmoil as a rescue team head toward the wreckage, looking for survivor. The players escape attention as they head out their escape pod while Jericho head to fighter ship hangar, where he find ten Fire-eater space fighters. He them sabotage them out.


Two sentry bots intercept Joey and Magus as they head to the facility. Magus space armor was heavily damage in the fight. Joey manage to make a critical blow on the head of one of the bot, while Hotaka, sneaking out in the back of the bot, manage to make tear to bot apart with his claw strike.


As Ryoko with Pierre (who’s very weak) try to find the exit, they encounter someone wearing a Serpent PA. He lower is weapons and said OR: ‘’’Don’t shot, I’m the friend of Pierre and I am the one who send you the bot.’’ He new comer helps them to find a space suit for Pierre.


All the remaining players head toward the entrance of the living quarter. There, they encounter a resistance from a six mage wearing space suit. They quickly fall back as Jericho shot them a volley of missile. From inside the entrance, someone shot a volley of minis to Jericho. Taking the hit, Jericho quickly enter and fight on two humanoid PA wearing a shield and a plasma axe while Joey close the entrance with a carpet of adhesion spell.


As Jericho finishes them off, Ryoko, Pierre and the new comer reach them. They escape to the landing point, where the Lady bug is is waiting to pick them up and they take off.


Mai 26th


Has the Lady bug begin to ascent, the new comer lay down Pierre on the nearest comfortable place he could find. He then said OR to anyone onboard the ship: ‘’Be careful, I know a great deal of the tactic of those temporal wizard. They probably all ready onboard, making as much as damage that they can!’’


Suddenly, all the light goes down and the comp display went down. Then the ground shakes up and the Lady bug begins to rotate on the axis, but still continue to rise into orbit.


The crews search down any corner of the Lady bug. Ryoko sense that there’s a fight going on in the engine room.


Hotaka went to investigate and find the crewmen fighting off four intruders. There’s two Broakils, one Blind warrior woman and one Juicer. They shoot on the engine and kill two of the crewmen. In the fight, Magus miss is shoot and blasts a hole into the wall and the room begin to depressurise. Joey rolls and manages to throw one of the Broadkil into the breach and sealing it with his body. On that moment, the secure doors begin to shut down and the players get out of the engine room, followed by the blind warrior woman. Jericho shoots her down and she felt back, trapped in the engine room.


Ryoko and Joey sense some magical activity in the live support room. When Joey reaches the room, they see the intruders stepping through a magical portal and then ht portal close. Joey finds an explosive device on the top of the live support! Joey cast an energy field on the device and throws it away in the hallway. The device detonates and passes through the field, breaching the wall near by. Joey quickly seals the breach with another energy field.


In the meantime, the Lady bug reach orbit and the Merchantship come to intercept the ship. The range between the two ships is now a thousand miles and closing. Menace order to fire up a volley of eight heavy missile cruisers and to prepare to intercept any incoming missiles. The enemy ship tries to intercept the missile by shooting them out with another volley of missiles. Most of the heavy cruiser detonate, the remaining two strikes down the merchantship, crippling down the shield. The merchantship flees and left orbit and the Lady bug is enable to follow. Jericho, wearing is Silverhawk, went out of the Lady bug and intercept the merchantship under cover of his stealth system. Jericho fire upon the engine and he almost destroy it. The merchantship engage is FTL drive and disappears instantly.


Back on the Lady bug, the crews is repairing all they can. (There’s several breach to be seal and repair. One of the main thrusters is out and can’t be replaced and the engine room needed several hours of work to be repaired.) The players take care of their friend Pierre, who suffers from malnutrition. They meet Agamemnon, the one who help save Pierre. Has he removed his Serpent PA, they can see that is areptilian humanoid with a serpent tail from the waist down. The tail is almost 5 feet long and he’s able to erect himself to 6 feet tall. His scale is brown sand with spine on his back that starts in the back of his neck to the bottom of his tail. His hand is clawed and is face is a little elongated.


“”I’m the friend of Pierre; I’m the one who send the bots as message to you. My name is Agamemnon and I’m a bounty hunter working for the temporal raider. I was in charge of the security of the factory and I have some contact with Pierre. I wanted to do something good for a change. So, I befriend Pierre and try to help him out.


-My race is nearly extinct, thank to the Splugorth who sell us as slave in the megaverse. In my young, I was a slave and my master was a Kitanni. I managed to escape and I became bounty hunter and travelled in every corner of the universe. I’m working for the Temporal raiders for years now because he paid well. But I have become wary of the situation and I was rethinking of my live.’’ Then Agamemnon offers to joint the players and help them in any way he can.


June 3rd

As the repair on the Lady Bug is almost finish, Menace announce that they will make a little ''détour'' to the nearest space station inside the Paradise federation to replace the main thrusters. He asks the players for additional cash for the repair and asks them where they wanted to go. They discuss it and planned to go to the find a Mage in the UWW to open up a portal to home.

In the next week, time needed to reach the destination: Joey and Magus are studying spells that they exchanged. Pierre recovers fully and talks about
the recent event with Agamemnon. They learn about Deicon, a temporal raiders: This is the leader of an organisation of miscreant and the one who orders the kidnapping of Pierre to build a legion of bots to sell throughout the Three galaxies. They guess that when Deicon will learn on what happened, he will most likely send out some hired assassins to dispose of them.

Note to all the players: Menace, has he done this before, has makes a poll for changing the name of the Lady Bug. So he asks for name suggestion and he will
take the best name the crew or the passenger will come with.


June 16th

The Lady Bug change name for Seadagon and head to the repair station on Paradise IX where the Main thruster is replaced.

Then they decide to head to Alexandria in the United World of Warlock. The trip takes two months and head to an Earth-like planet filled with water and green luxurious forest. There's several megacity builds under Nexus of Ley line that cover the planet. The Seadagon land on the city of Athena; the city looks like the old Greek city of ancient time with tall dome structure, pillar temple and paved streets. There
's a huge pyramid in the center of the city.

Menace and his crews said their goodbye and the Seadagon leave the players on the ground of one of the home of the Atlantean.

June 31th

The players went to meet the Elder at the pyramid, where's Magus accomplish his mission from the Lord of Magus in the search why communication as been broken up between the two nations.

The Elders answer: ''For some time now, we suspect that someone is spying on our communication grid via the pyramid. That why we stopped communication between Dweomer for security reason.
-We don't know who's spying on us and we don't even know how, but we know that our messages are being intercepted.
-We want you to relay
this message to the lord of magic.'' He hand you a small computer pad and Magus took it.

Then, Joey asks to receive the power tattoo of invulnerability in exchange of his new created spell and they agree on. After receiving the power tattoo, Joey spends his day, recovering in his bed. The day after, the players decide to meet the Elder to send them back on Earth.

July 7th

The players buy a few stuffs at the Emporium and agree on their destination to Lazlo on Earth.

July 14th

The next day, at the great pyramid, where's the Elder open up a portal at the top. The players went through the opening and are rifted to Lazlo on earth.

At the great city, Pierre announces that he's retiring and wanted to settle down to this beautiful and peaceful city. Then the players decide to meet their old friend Horus at his tower, where young students learn the ways of magic. They tell the story to Horus about the prophecy and he say that they must meet the Council of Learning, where they could
him them out. After that, the player are heading to E'mm'erem tower to meet another old friend.

July 21th

The player meet E'mm'erem. He gives to them the money he own and talk about the meeting of the Council of Learning tomorrow. In the morning the players attend at the meeting.

The meeting is located in a large audience room inside the council hall. There's a a large standing table for the council member and in front seat for the public. This is a closed session, so only you are allowed to the audience room. Some guards are standing near the colums on each side of the room. An herald enter the
audience room from a back door an announce each members of the Council of Learning as they enter:

''Horus Patronous, member of the Council of Learning'' you see your friend taking a seat at the far side of the table.

''E'mm'erem, member of the Council of Learning'' you see your friend sit to the side of Horus.

''Willianson, member of the Council of Learning'' The man wear the traditional ley line walker garments, he's wearing a headgear and tunic to cover the head and part of the face, a hooded cape, loose fitting robes
, loincloth (worm over pants) and ornate belt with inscribed strips of cloth with ornate jewelry dangling from the waist, walking boots, and a gas mask to cover the mouth. He head to the other side of the table and take a place.

''Arl Xzzyn, Chief of the Lazlo police'' A well muscled canine humanoid with grey fur. He might be a feral dog boy, but your got tell you that he might be another canine race (a Wolfen probably). He's wearing a plated armor that covers his chest and there's a hand pistol on his side
in the holsters. He takes place near Willianson.

''Thomm, Head of the Congress of Lazlo'' A tall man with a yellowish skin, his feature are noble and he wear a fashioned brown beard and his hair are long, His eyes are deep and show some sign of is oriental ascendance. He's wearing an orange ceremonial robe with a hood that covers his back of the neck. He takes place in the middle seat of the table.

''Plato, Head of the Lazlo Council of Learning'' The man radiates wisdom and courage. His standing features reflect the inner
leadership that the people around him respect. He looks like a mid-aged with some grey on is cheek and hair. He stands tall wearing a simple white robe without any feature. He takes place in the middle seat of the table.

Plato stands up and speaks:

''We are here to listen to your story about the prophecy and help you in any way that we can. We are listening. ''

Plato reply:

''Thanks to tell us your story. It seems that you tumble upon we called one of the seven great demons. Our psychic warm us about those
calamities for some time and we have create the Council of Learning to study and to try anyway we can to prevent it.

-The council has investigated the premonition and learned that psychics all around have ''share'' several of those visions.

-The Earth will experience the coming of seven demons and four great dangers, each threatening oblivion.
-The most immediate and potentially devastating danger will arrive very soon. Most psychics refer to this danger as ''The Devourer and/or The Swarm.'' Many have reported visions of cloud or swarm of armoured demons that sweeps the land like
locusts destroying everything in its path.
-Four demons with the powers of the gods will seek to open a portal of destruction.
-The Queen of Winter will be throned and lead his servitors to oblivion.

In here at Lazlo, there is a secret vault, where the scrolls of the prophecy made by those who share the premonition are kept. The council will allow you to read the complete prophecy that concerns you, if you agree to take on a quest to prevent it. Would you take on the quest?'' he ask

The players accept to take on the
quest and head to the vault. The Vault is located in an old pre-rifts bunker under the Library of Lazlo. The access is located in a secured area into the library.

The vaulted ceiling is makes of rock supported by archways. A spiral stair descends to the deep of the basement. The arcane vault contents various old book sealed in transparent container (with some ward draw upon). An old man, wearing a brown cloak and pale as the white pages of a book receive you. There's also a back haired man that accompany him. The duo doesn'
t fit well and it's show.

The old mage head to one book in the vault and said: ''Here the books of prophecy that concern you.'' The book is relatively news and make from several different page bound together in a scrap book. The Old man whisper something as he open the container and open up the book.

He begun reading the prophecy:

The Queen of death-white winter enthroned
Evil resplendent, in dusk red seething skies
Foam-flecked nightmares drag a moon
Of Draconian design

When stars fall pale
And to drown back in Her eyes
to madden ghosts within
To unhinge a thousand sins
From Death's dark vale

"Blessed be these spells of winter
Unto us that wait with patience in
This secret garden
To storm our way into another
As yes undone"

She is all to me
Mysterious, alive
The howling in the deep woods
When cold festal stars aligned

A lurid moon looms; phosphorent, evil
Yesod vested in despotic upheaval
Silvering wolves that scarlet forest snow
Forgotten ones ebter as above, so below

The trees groan aghast as ghostly pallored clouds are rent
When the drunken earth heaves, sweep aside seas
to ascend
From Sheol's dank haunted wilderness
Thy seal upon Nuit's starry vault to incense the sleepers,

In raven feathered dress
Sides with Death at chess
Their pawns are many and the enemy
When the miscreants fell dead
She took to conjuring spells in the cusp of the night
And the bestial floor shook with terrible life
I rise before thee Queen
To feed our lusts on the blood of the weak
To rule heaven and worlds crawling beneath
Satanic Tyranny

The other one (who later introduce himself as Sevarius) take on a sinister
looks and said: ''I have been charged to find all information about this prophecy as I myself receive the dream about it''

his faced grimaced as he seem to recall the event. ''I dream of a black shaped figure that talked to me and said the line you just read. Each word gives me pain and still does today. I have searched for the signification of the dream and find others like myself who share the same dream. I have hears rumors of people who have been influenced and have chosen to worship her. They created small organization of followers
all around the world, hoping that one day they can bring her to earth.''

''I have find root of them in the Federation of magic, Kingdales and some isolated area. If have ears rumors of vampire near Mexico and talk of Nightfeeder from a Withching in the Deep north. The Znakhari talk about a cult of follower who venered the (Winter Queen), who will bring a new ice age on Russia. I don't know if this is related, by there's talk about a dark cult in the ocean who adore the Lord of the Deep.''