''As my friend explain to me: within the confinement of the subspace fracture, you can move objects around as normal. People inside will move freely. Anything outside can't be moved of is affected by anything. But, any object leaving the area will resume the normal flow of time. So, it's the same with people leaving the area affected.''

''If I deactivate the device: We will re-enter the timeline and as Deicon as the possibility to change the timeline; they could very well be affected by the alternate timeline of the temporal flux he has created. I
won't ever do that.''

They ask who Deicon is: ''In this timeline, you have until now only encountered his henchmen and foil his plan several times. But, in the near future, he will quickly become one of their main nemesis. He's a Temporal raiders with great knowledge on temporal mechanics. You have all ready Andernach, one of his henchmen and he will become the leader of the dimensional raider team.''

And they ask how Deicon is able to change the timeline. Willian answer: ''From the realm outside the time, he can send his dimensional team in any
time and they can affect the timeline from there and he can bring them back without the affect of the alternate timeline, since he's outside of time.''

Jericho asks if Willian (his future son) was some sort of mage. Willian answer that some of his friends are, but he only a very talented pilot in the three galaxies.

Sabion ask what happened to Kingsdale in the future and Willian said that he didn't know as he has spend most of is life in the three galaxies. But he agrees on telling of what he knows about the earth

''I can't said much, I was away from earth for a long time. But, I have gathered some rumor and tin bit there and there: The CS has grown as a vast empire, controlling the eastern and Middle America. The Emperor Karl Prosek health is weak; the doctors can't do a thing. There is talk of Joseph II taking his step to insure his place over the throne. The genocide wars on the Xiticix have weakened up Lazlo and the CS front in the great lake area. Atlantis is a serious treat as some of most
deadly confrontation with the CS on the east coast. In Europe, the NGR is recovering from the devastating wars with the Gargoyles and the Broadkils Empire. Throughout the magaverse, the wars between the demon of Hade and the deevils of Dyval have serious repercussion.''

Willian add on: ''If we are successful in stopping Deicon, this timeline will cease to exist and replaced by an alternate one. So, revealing your future has no real consequence to you.''

Ryoko ask what happened to her in the future and Willian answer:

''I don't understand, you mean Ryoko really exist? I
always thought that she was a pigment of my imagination.''

Ryoko quickly reply: ''Thou I am here!''

''I was afraid that I was crazy, because Ryoko is my godparent. She's like my spiritual mentor, the little voice in my head that help me out in the time of need.''

Ryoko quickly make contact with her future self trapped inside Willian. She learns that she was trapped inside Jericho's son mind since he was born. As years as passed, she as loss her humanity and think herself as his faerie godparent. She doesn't know of the
where about of her body and she event completely forget it!

They also learn from Willian, as he burst into tears and hug Jericho, that his parents and Stevie was killed in their attempt to stop Deicon in the realm outside of time.

The players ask how to reach the Deicon in this timeline.

Willian said: ''Deicon is now inside his pyramid in his realm. The realm can be access with a password that opens a portal that lead to it. Agamenmon can explain this better than me.''

Agamemnon said: ''When we first meet on that planetoid
I tell you all about it, but you didn't listen to me. As you know and I was working for Deicon, when I meet Pierre and I switched side and joint you. I will tell you all that I can about the realm.''

''The place is hided outside of this world, a realm that exist between dimension. The land himself is featureless. Deicon has built a large stone pyramid in the center and a small mercenary city has been built around it.''

''Only a few select trusty men can enter the realm, and there you will have
to pass the control and there's some few secret defence that I know to exist, but I don't know exactly what is it.''

Willian adds on: ''the portal leading to the realm can only be activated by a mage and he have to spoke the password. As for the pyramid defence: Keep a note that many things as changed over the years, some of those defence I saw can be not be implanted in the past. There is a teleportation trap that teleport intruder elsewhere as soon they enter the realm. In the entrance of the pyramids,
there are several defence placed: there are some rune statues and wards. There also energy field that surround the pyramid and there is impenetrable wall that can be activated. A small army of mercenaries are camping in a small town outside the pyramids. We didn't see much of the inside as we were focus on finding Deicon.''

They decide to gather their belongings at the bunker outside Kingsdale. They closely stay close of Willian to be inside the subspace fracture field generated by the device on Willian. They are now ready to stop Deicon!


1st December

The players are ready to step on the portal. William said: '' I need a spell caster use the password to open up Deicon's realm portal''. William turns to Joey and said: ''to access Deicon's realm, you must speak the following incantation: ''Deflagrate muri tempi et intervallia!'' as like you are casting a spell.'' Afterward, Joey cast the incantation and a large sphere of flame appears in front of you, it rapidly expands itself to 50 feet in diameter and you can see through the black sky of the realm.

The players step through the portal; they
see the following: In the center of the realm there is a large pyramid and around there is a small mech town. Aside of the town there is three small towns composed of small huts, where small and large dinosaurs are kept. On the opposite side there is a ring on stone pillars. There is nothing over the edge of the realm, only empty space. From the center, where the pyramid, there is about 26 miles to the edge. You have appears near the South edge the mech town.

This a large agglomeration of temporary building like tents, barracks and bunkers
build around the pyramids. There's large warehouse on one side of the town, there's a one general store, one large pit area, and several bars spread all around the town. In the town, everyone is frozen; there is no movement at all.

The players head inside the town to the direction of the pyramid. As they move toward the pyramid, a wave of modulating flash hit them and completely stops them. They seem to struggle to an invisible wall that pushes them back. Joey figure out with this is: It's a time barrier that stops
any time traveler. It was cast before the time was frozen up and until time resumes itself; there is no way to enter the barrier. While Joey tries to figure out a way to enter the pyramid, the other formulates plans on stetting up explosive of Deicon's army and is installation.


8th December

After setting up the explosive on key position around the mech town, Joey find in the south portion of the town, a large circle buried under the ground. This is a portal that leads directly inside the pyramid.

William said: '' I know the way around the maze like corridor to Deicon's hideout.'', he then takes the lead inside the pyramid. The pyramid is filled with maze of narrow corridor made with large block of stone. There is a low light source that comes from a small wall cornice on regular interval.

They climb on several levels
until William said: ''There it is, beyond this door, this is Deicon hideout, be careful this room was well protected.''

''We got to time it right, as soon that the device is off, we need to strike down Deicon quickly. We won't have a second chance.''

At the entrance of the room, there is a dark wall that radiates a sense of evil and malevolence. They try to pass on the entrance and went thought it without any incident and enter Deicon's room.

This is a large room about 40 square feet. The walls are composed of
large stone block. There are two large circle carved on the floor of the room. On the end of the room, there's large step leading to a large throne carved into the stone. On the throne there is Deicon the Temporal Raiders.

The creature is a demonic looking menace with an armor plated, claws, and powerful limbs. The eight foot creature has no body hair. The head is bald and looks like it covered in a mask made of brushed, silver metal, but it is actually part of the creature's body. The arms are muscular and disproportionately
large with sharp nails that also resemble brushed metal. Similar metal looking plates cover the tops of the fingers, hands and forearms, as well as the neck and chest. Skin colour is a light grey. He wears dark blue clothing with a splash of red colour with a cape and cloaks.

Standing beside of the throne, there are six men wearing a grey cape, grey body armor is wear under the cape with some decorating amber lines draw on it. There are two sculpted dragon statues standing at the end of the wall, behind the throne. There are two
corpses that stand in an alcoves of each side of the room, they wear body armor and are armed with vibro-swords. There are also two corpse banded in line trips standing in an alcoves of each side of the room.

The players elaborate a plan: they push the two rune dragon on the side, facing the wall. Then they put the six men on the same spot and Joey cast Carpet of Adhesion under their feet. They drop some grenades at their feet and on Deicon feet; they know that they won't detonate until the time resume
itself. Then they position themselves to striking down Deicon.

William take a last looks around, take a deep breathe and push the button to deactivate the Subspace fracture field and the time resume its normal flow...

At that instant the time resume back to normal, they all fire upon Deicon and on the feet of the rune dragon. Deicon was literally vaporise on the spot, leaving and hole on the ground. The ground under feet the rune dragons carve in and give way, bringing Deicon's henchmen to their doom.

They have forgotten about the corpse in the archway, they
slowly move on to attack. They quickly dispose of them by setting fire to wrapped one.


15th December

The players try to find a way to get out of the pyramid. Joey teleport them all at the teleportation room to open a portal. The room was protected by fire breathing rune dragon head, but they were protected from the fire by a spell. Joey quickly opens up a Rifts portal to Earth about 10 miles away from Kingsdale.

At the city, William asks if there is a spaceport near by because he wanted to get back to space. He agrees on getting to Lazlo and finds a portal leading to phase world and he planned
to meet his mother and Pierre.

Agamemnon tells them that he leaves them and wishes them all good luck and went away.