-The Earth will experience the coming of seven demons and four great dangers, each threatening oblivion.
-The most immediate and potentially devastating danger will arrive very soon. Most psychics refer to this danger as ''The Devourer and/or The Swarm.'' Many have reported visions of cloud or swarm of armoured demons that sweeps the land like locusts destroying everything in its path.
-Four demons with the powers of the gods will seek to open a portal of destruction.
-The Queen of Winter will be throned and lead his servitors to oblivion.

In here at Lazlo, there is a
secret vault, where the scrolls of the prophecy made by those who share the premonition are kept. The council will allow you to read the complete prophecy that concerns you, if you agree to take on a quest to prevent it. Would you take on the quest?'' he ask

The players accept to take on the quest and head to the vault. The Vault is located in an old pre-rifts bunker under the Library of Lazlo. The access is located in a secured area into the library.

The vaulted ceiling is makes of rock supported by archways. A spiral
stair descends to the deep of the basement. The arcane vault contents various old book sealed in transparent container (with some ward draw upon). An old man, wearing a brown cloak and pale as the white pages of a book receive you. There's also a back haired man that accompany him. The duo doesn't fit well and it's show.

The old mage head to one book in the vault and said: ''Here the books of prophecy that concern you.'' The book is relatively news and make from several different page bound together in a
scrap book. The Old man whisper something as he open the container and open up the book.

He begun reading the prophecy:

The Queen of death-white winter enthroned
Evil resplendent, in dusk red seething skies
Foam-flecked nightmares drag a moon
Of Draconian design

When stars fall pale
And to drown back in Her eyes
Is to madden ghosts within
To unhinge a thousand sins
From Death's dark vale

"Blessed be these spells of winter
Unto us that wait with patience in
This secret garden
To storm our way into another
As yes undone"

She is all to
Mysterious, alive
The howling in the deep woods
When cold festal stars aligned

A lurid moon looms; phosphorent, evil
Yesod vested in despotic upheaval
Silvering wolves that scarlet forest snow
Forgotten ones ebter as above, so below

The trees groan aghast as ghostly pallored clouds are rent
When the drunken earth heaves, sweep aside seas to ascend
From Sheol's dank haunted wilderness
Thy seal upon Nuit's starry vault to incense the sleepers,

In raven feathered dress
Sides with Death at chess
Their pawns are many and the enemy
When the miscreants fell dead

She took to conjuring spells in the cusp of the night
And the bestial floor shook with terrible life
I rise before thee Queen
To feed our lusts on the blood of the weak
To rule heaven and worlds crawling beneath
Satanic Tyranny

The other one (who later introduce himself as Sevarius) take on a sinister looks and said: ''I have been charged to find all information about this prophecy as I myself receive the dream about it''

his faced grimaced as he seem to recall the event. ''I dream of a black shaped figure that talked to me and
said the line you just read. Each word gives me pain and still does today. I have searched for the signification of the dream and find others like myself who share the same dream. I have hears rumors of people who have been influenced and have chosen to worship her. They created small organization of followers all around the world, hoping that one day they can bring her to earth.''

''I have find root of them in the Federation of magic, Kingdales and some isolated area. If have ears rumors of vampire near Mexico and talk of
Nightfeeder from a Withching in the Deep north. The Znakhari talk about a cult of follower who venered the (Winter Queen), who will bring a new ice age on Russia. I don't know if this is related, by there's talk about a dark cult in the ocean who adore the Lord of the Deep.''


 6th October

Jericho and Ryoko respond to Sabion call for help. The fight went on, the Lorica Wraith fell back into one building, where they blast the building to the ground in a large cloud of mud that reduce the visibility around to almost zero.

Sabion rescue has call out some attention as Jericho and Ryoko plunge into the water. At the Necro-tower, the flying barges are preparing to take off. Seeing this, Joey (still invisible) cast a seal spell on the cage like entrance. The skeletons like creature use their weaponry to try to blast the door
, while Joey use his tendril lightning bolt spell to blast them down.

Jericho fly out of the water, just in time to see the large flying ship taking off from the main entrance on the side of the building. While the other smaller entrance remains shut.

The flying ship is made from the bones of various large monsters and animals. The ship is about 30 feet long and has a very low profile and reaches 6 feet tall. Near the back, there's a helm made of bone with inserted Jewellery. The helman is horrible zombie-like creature. There's an
arsenal of weaponry disposed the side of the ship, most are mounted on tripod and operated by ugly zombies. Underside of the flying ship, there's several living tentacles emerging from the putrid flesh that hold together the bone. There are 20 zombies operating the weaponry, one at the helm and a captain.

The battle went on with Jericho and Ryoko, while Sabion head to the tower underwater. Jericho's missiles are all basted down by the ship weaponry while Ryoko's bot make minimal damage to ship shield. Jericho managed to get to the blind spot, underneath the ship
and strike down another volley of missiles and those hit the hull. Ryoko's does the same shooting on the blind spot. The flying ship turn invisible, Jericho managed to get a lucky shot and hit it a last time, before they lost them out.

Joey finishes off all the skeletons on the flying barge inside the tower and cancels out his seal spell. Jericho went underwater to reach the tower. A large cloud of flying insects rise up from the tower, the cloud is about 50 feet large and it's coming on to Ryoko's bots.
They fire upon the cloud with napalm like ammo and incinerated them, but they replaced but thousand and thousand more insects coming out of the tower.

While Ryoko continue to blast on the flying insects until she run out of ammo. Sabion, followed by Jericho enter the underwater entrance. They find out a way up until they reach into the inside of a large cargo hold turned into a small port, where a dozen of underwater scooters are tided to the side of the quay. Sabion dispose of his all of his explosive and set it on with a
time delay. Ryoko's orders her bots to enter the water and send them inside the tower to find her friends.

In the meantime, Joey and Magus explore on the inside of the tower. They find out a particular room: This room was obviously restored; a generator is running in the corner. Spare mechanical parts are disposed on the table with tools. There is a small compartment that contains a few jewellery in it. In the center of the room there is a large support with a dead humanoid standing. Some metal part as been added on it with
ornate jewellery. They went on and continue on their exploration, while the others do the same on the lower level.

They all encounter at the same time those zombies-like creatures in a corridor. Two for Magus and Joey and three for Sabion, Jericho and Ryoko. The undead fire upon them magic net from their wrist like appendage; Magus and Sabion are caught by it. Joey and Ryoko bot's are able to effectively fight off the zombies with their spells for Joey and a millennium staff for Ryoko.


14th October

The players explore the tower. They fight off some skeletons; find a burial resting place, a horrible lab filled with humanoid spare parts. Joey and Magus find out a throne room with a chamber in the upper level. At this time, Sabion inform them that there,s only ten minutes left before his explosive went on.

Jericho blast off an opening at the side of the tower to make an exit. One of Ryoko's bot picks up Sabion on his back to fly off of the building. In the meantime, Joey and Magus
return to the hangar and try to pilot one of the flying barges.

As soon that Jericho and Ryoko's bot with Sabion leave the tower. They are attacked: The large flying barge reappears right in front of Ryoko's bot (the one without Sabion), firing at will on it. The fight went on: one of Ryoko's bot strikes back, while the other one with Sabion flew out of reach. Jericho was all ready in stealth mode and he was able to slip on the bridge unaware by the zombies crew. Ryoko's almost blast off half the
ship and rip apart most of the crew and hit Jericho at the same time. Jericho finishes off the helman, while Ryoko's bot finish off the rest of the crew. The flying ship became erratic and head into the water.


20th October

The fight continues on as flying bone-like power armor and a small flying barge appears. The armor is made with the bones of large monsters and animals. There's jewellery inserted in the chest and in the arms. The thing wears a disgusting armor composed of dozens to hundreds of writhing tentacles, pulsating slimes. The first thing that Ryoko's bot did was to blast to smithereens the flying bone power armor. Magus use is lifeblast spell to get rid of a few skeletons on the deck small barge and it went down.

At this
time, a beam came from the tower striking Joey and then Jericho. The players quickly find a way to find the source of the beam, behind an invisible protective wall inside the tower on the upper level. The creature is hideous, giant maws with huge, wide teeth, and three eyes on long tentacle-like stalks set upon three thick legs. The thing was able to sustain major damage from the players before it went down on the next floor below.

They find the body still alive of a humanoid in the debris and Magus lifted it on his flying barge
and fly away before the imminent explosion. The bombs that Sabion set down on the lower level of the tower explode, but it didn't go down. Finally, they all fire down on the tower to bring it down with a clash into the water.


27th October

The players went back to the town to pick up Agamemnon and Jessica. They needed supplies, so they head to the city of Kingsdale onboard the flying barge. They are stopped by one of the Kingsdale's patrol. They said that they won't allow those monstrous barges into their city and propose to buy them to dismantle flying barge. The players accept the terms and leave their weaponry outside of the city limit as it was ruled out.

They take a room at the happy day inn and discuss the situation. They talk to return
to Lazlo and they will need some kind of transportation, but in the city; the high demand for the imminent wars has rise up all price. Joey suggest exchanging his teaching skill for an high level spell that will be very useful for travelling, but it will take three weeks to do so.


3rd November

The players spend 22 days at Kingsdale, time for Joey and Magus to learn their new spells. Jericho has flown back to Lazlo, meet his wife and return with the hover vehicles that you have bought on Phase world and he bring along Proto-one. Sabion has bought a few stuffs and went back into service of Kingsdale for the next 22 days.

Sabion receive a recon mission from his superior. A small town at the edge of border of Kingsdale has reported a large cloud nearby and he has order to investigate it. When they reach the vicinity of
the cloud, they discover that the cloud is emitting high concentration of radiation and is concentrated below a ley line nexus. The radiation level is just below human tolerance limit and the town is about three miles from it.

They protect themselves with environmental armor and invulnerability spells as they enter the cloud. The cloud is covering an area of 3 miles and slowly begins to settle down on the ground. Inside, visibility is reduced to 90 feet, all the trees around are covered with dust on their leave. They see something that does not belong here: a large
pile of trash all over the place. They see large bulky waste like hard metal part, foods, paper, plastic materials, large and small container filling up the area. The trashes cover most of the cloud radius. They detect that the radiations come from chemical sludge and metal reactor solidified in concrete. They find that the isotopes are 22 years. From the cloud dust has determined that the event took place less than 12 hours ago.

After getting covering the area and finding not much clue on what just happened. They went the town. The small town is nested near a
river running downside the mountain. This is a low tech rural town, where people life from farm products and raising cattle. After talking about the danger of the cloud, they convince the folk to move on.

Afterward, Joey decides to go back inside the cloud, when he sense that a dimensional rifts is opening inside the cloud, releasing more toxic cloud. He sends his observing ball to investigate the opening and find that it leads to a large circular room; the floor is made with steel. Large bay window, 6 feet above the ground, cover the first halves circle
. The second half seem to be a large door that can be. On the roof a series of lines that glows, making a full circle above. Large hover-like bulldozers are pulling waste material out into the dimensional rifts! Joey approached the opening and see that people wearing environmental armor are operating the bulldozer. He tries to call them out and that make them stop their work. He hears a voice from a loudspeaker that he can't understand. At that moment the portal is beginning to close and Joey leap into it.

He find himself in the circular
room, the bulldozer are retreating in a large door that close itself after their passage. He hears the voice again from the loudspeaker, but he can't understand. A small door open underside the bay window. Armed humanoid with grey-dark armor enter, they take tactical position. There are 15 guards.

Then he can hear the voice again, but this time he can understand as a universal translator is slowly taking on. They ask him what he's doing there and Joey tells them about the damage they have done on his home world.

They explain to him, that they have
no choice because their world will be unliveable in less than two years. All ready their resources is limited, they don't have enough space for our trash. They have built this large complex and discover a way to dispose of their trash in what they call a wormhole.

Finally, they agree on stopping to dump their waste in that matter and Joey give them some solutions in helping them in their current problem. Then, they reopen the gateway and send Joey back home.

Joey returns to the town, where all the town people are ready. He concentrate and
gather all available PPE from the near by Nexus and teleport them away to Kingsdale.


10th November

At Kingsdale, the players spend most of their evening at the bars in the happy day inn. Then suddenly, everything freeze, the people at the bar stop whatever they doing. Only the players seem to be unaffected. A man, that was not here before is standing in from of them and seem to be unaffected by this phenomena.

The man is 6' tall, muscular well build, brown hair and eye. He wears a black fashioned pilot jumpsuit with glove. On his belt, there's a boxed device that emit a small buzzing sound.

The man said: ''I know
that it might sound crazy, but I'm William J, Kerenskin ...
and I am Jericho and Jolie's son.''

''I have come into this timeline to stop this madness!''

''I will try my best to explain all this to you. I come from twenty years into the future. In that timeline, I was trying with the help of a few friends to stop Deicon's plan. His deepest dream was at his hand. He wanted to reach the realm outside of time, over there he will be effetely be immortal and he can reach any time period to
change history as he wish.''

''My friend, a sadness appear in his face, tries to explain all this to me. He said something like that realm was placed inside a temporal rifts that compress all matters and time into a Subspace fracture outside of the space-time continuum.''

''Deicon as tries for years to discover that realm and we come aware of it. He did find the entrance into the realm, somewhere inside a magic nebula, somewhere inside the void cloud in the Corkcrew galaxy.''

''We tries our best to reach the rotating sphere before
he does, but he did it first and in desperation I send my ship into the rotating sphere and I was lucky to enter the precise timing needed to access the portal.''

''The distortion almost rip us apart and we see a large sphere with several shining road leading to it. As my friend explained to me later on: the fraction of the time that has passed on was enough for Deicon to establish a stronghold and were not match for him. I see all my friends die in the desperation attempt to stop him.''

He makes
a pause with sadness in his face and said: ''As my friend was dying, he said that I was no way to stop me and he explain to me how to access the time flow to change this timeline. He gives me that device on belt to protect me from the effect of temporal flux.''

''So, as my friend instructed, I jump in the time flow and I ended in this time period and I need your help to stop Deicon.''

''In this time period, Deicon is gathering some spells that will be useful for his goal
. He's hiding out in his realm inside his pyramid. I remember my dad told me once that they have found some information on the way to reach his realm, but was not able to do so, because they didn't know the secret password.''

''But in my time period, I was able to get one of those old passwords and I was able to strike down at his pyramid, but he was not there. I propose to strike him down at his pyramid, when he is at his weakness, and prevent him changing this timeline.''

can ask me anything before we go as ironically we have the time in the world for now!''

The players ask to explain why everything is frozen and why they are not affected by this timeline.

Willian answer:

''It's because of this device (he point to the box on his belt) that my friend has builder. He said that device create a Subspace fracture that put him outside of the timeline. My friend said that the device can be regulated to a 20 feet radius, that why you are not frozen.''

''As my friend explain to me
: within the confinement of the subspace fracture, you can move objects around as normal. People inside will move freely. Anything outside can't be moved of is affected by anything. But, any object leaving the area will resume the normal flow of time. So, it's the same with people leaving the area affected.''

''If I deactivate the device: We will re-enter the timeline and as Deicon as the possibility to change the timeline; they could very well be affected by the alternate timeline of the temporal flux he has created. I won't ever do that.''

ask who Deicon is: ''In this timeline, you have until now only encountered his henchmen and foil his plan several times. But, in the near future, he will quickly become one of their main nemesis. He's a Temporal raiders with great knowledge on temporal mechanics. You have all ready Andernach, one of his henchmen and he will become the leader of the dimensional raider team.''

And they ask how Deicon is able to change the timeline. Willian answer: ''From the realm outside the time, he can send his dimensional team in any time and they can affect the
timeline from there and he can bring them back without the affect of the alternate timeline, since he's outside of time.''

Jericho asks if Willian (his future son) was some sort of mage. Willian answer that some of his friends are, but he only a very talented pilot in the three galaxies.

Sabion ask what happened to Kingsdale in the future and Willian said that he didn't know as he has spend most of is life in the three galaxies. But he agrees on telling of what he knows about the earth.

''I can't said much
, I was away from earth for a long time. But, I have gathered some rumor and tin bit there and there: The CS has grown as a vast empire, controlling the eastern and Middle America. The Emperor Karl Prosek health is weak; the doctors can't do a thing. There is talk of Joseph II taking his step to insure his place over the throne. The genocide wars on the Xiticix have weakened up Lazlo and the CS front in the great lake area. Atlantis is a serious treat as some of most deadly confrontation with the CS on the east coast. In Europe, the NGR is recovering from the devastating wars with the Gargoyles and the Broadkils Empire. Throughout the magaverse, the wars between the demon of Hade and the deevils of Dyval have serious repercussion.''

Willian add on: ''If we are successful in stopping Deicon, this timeline will cease to exist and replaced by an alternate one. So, revealing your future has no real consequence to you.''

Ryoko ask what happened to her in the future and Willian answer:

''I don't understand, you mean Ryoko really exist? I always thought that she was a
pigment of my imagination.''

Ryoko quickly reply: ''Thou I am here!''

''I was afraid that I was crazy, because Ryoko is my godparent. She's like my spiritual mentor, the little voice in my head that help me out in the time of need.''

Ryoko quickly make contact with her future self trapped inside Willian. She learns that she was trapped inside Jericho's son mind since he was born. As years as passed, she as loss her humanity and think herself as his faerie godparent. She doesn't know of the where about of her body and
she event completely forget it!

They also learn from Willian, as he burst into tears and hug Jericho, that his parents and Stevie was killed in their attempt to stop Deicon in the realm outside of time.

The players ask how to reach the Deicon in this timeline.

Willian said: ''Deicon is now inside his pyramid in his realm. The realm can be access with a password that opens a portal that lead to it. Agamenmon can explain this better than me.''

Agamemnon said: ''When we first meet on that planetoid I tell you all about it,
but you didn't listen to me. As you know and I was working for Deicon, when I meet Pierre and I switched side and joint you. I will tell you all that I can about the realm.''

''The place is hided outside of this world, a realm that exist between dimension. The land himself is featureless. Deicon has built a large stone pyramid in the center and a small mercenary city has been built around it.''

''Only a few select trusty men can enter the realm, and there you will have to pass the control and there
's some few secret defence that I know to exist, but I don't know exactly what is it.''

Willian adds on: ''the portal leading to the realm can only be activated by a mage and he have to spoke the password. As for the pyramid defence: Keep a note that many things as changed over the years, some of those defence I saw can be not be implanted in the past. There is a teleportation trap that teleport intruder elsewhere as soon they enter the realm. In the entrance of the pyramids, there are several defence placed: there
are some rune statues and wards. There also energy field that surround the pyramid and there is impenetrable wall that can be activated. A small army of mercenaries are camping in a small town outside the pyramids. We didn't see much of the inside as we were focus on finding Deicon.''

They decide to gather their belongings at the bunker outside Kingsdale. They closely stay close of Willian to be inside the subspace fracture field generated by the device on Willian. They are now ready to stop Deicon!