January 5th 2007

At Kingsdale, Ryoko's bots shut down one other after another. They are completely powerless and the players decide to bring them to Lazlo. Using Joey's nexus portal spell, the players travel all the way to Lazlo.

They headed to Pierre's home where they meet Jolie. She is now five month pregnant and she's quite fine. Jericho presents her future son William and she fainted. After she recovered, one of Ryoko's bot that was left, pass on a cerography and found out that she have twin baby! One boy and one girl.

At night, Pierre takes a looks at Ryoko's bots and found out a nanobots that eat up all silicate hardship. The nanobots have spray to the others Ryoko's bots making irreversible damage. Jericho, his Silverhawk and the hover was touched as well as some of their system was disabled.

I have put in text file all the update of 2006: January through September. You can view it in the link below.

January 12th 2007

They spend the next four months at Lazlo. William went away through a portal leading to phase world. Pierre finished making repair to Jericho's systems and Joey's each and learns new spells at Horus's school.

On April 2nd 102 PA, Jolie gives bird to twin babies. On of them is called William and the other one is a girl called Ryoko. All ready on, Ryoko develop particular talents and she can communicate telepathy. In a dream like vision, she asks her mother to go to Kyoko's Millennium tree in Japan.

January 20th 2007

After preparing for departure, they jump, by Joey Rifts teleportation spells, to a place and another to reach the west coast. On the way, they encounter: Xiticix, ley line storms and demons.

On the west coast, they encounter a real problem, since they have to get across the Pacific Ocean. They try it anyway, since the hovercraft can float on the water and after a full day and one night of rest, they reach Japan at last.

January 27th 2007

The players find themselves in the North part of the Japan Island. Travelling through the mountainous region, they encounter some ''Oni'' demons that plague the area and save a small town.

After giving a helping hand to the townsfolk, they resume their travel to the South. On the edge of Mount Fuji, they encounter a young man, who greets them. Suddenly a strong wind blow out; Ivan hair remain intact.

The Newcomer show great interest of that fact and began asking him question on his origin. He then wants Ivan to follow him to a friend.

They follow the man through the mountain to a high cliff near a small waterfall. A man is meditating on top of it. The man clothing is simple and cover with bits of dirt, cloak is frayed from use, with bits of weeds and plants seeds clinging to it, as well as his boots, and pant legs. His hair is long and straight, below the shoulders and down the waist.

The man greets them and after discussing in private with the guide, he looks at Ivan and said: ''Like you, I am a traveler from a distant land that was once called China. This place is now filled with demons who's control the land. I am adept of the old Chinese ways. I believe in of the equilibrium of the four elements. Within each nation, an order of men and women called "Benders" have the ability to manipulate their native element.

''As for myself, I have a strong link with the earth and it is associated with qiáng which means "strong''. I took me years of hard training here in Japan to tap into the earth powers. My friend over here, believe that you have a strong tie with the element of air. This element is associated with hé, which means "peaceful."

''There is a great need in the world for someone like you and you can train yourself to bend with nature. I can't teach you the ways of the air, you will have to find yourself a master, if you really wants it. I know of a Taoist, in China, called Yan Chi Xia who can teach you. I wish you good luck on your Journey, my friend.''

Then the players resume their trip to Kyoto and reach it. The city of Kyoto is filled with temples, shrines and monasteries. In the background of the city is the beautiful Mount Fuji and standing near the city, there is one of the largest venerable tree of the world. As the tree stand over a thousand feet tall. Many people and wild live under the serenity of the tree.

Meditating on one of the large root, there's a with haired old man with oriental feature. He wears a simple white shirt.

February 2nd 2007

At the Kyoto's millennium tree, the old man looks up at the players and said: ''I was waiting for you arrival, young wild spirit''

The old man step up and walk to the ovoid carriage. He then takes Ryoko in his arm.

Talking only to the baby, the man said: ''You have reincarnates yourself into that body. Your former memories will soon fade away. Now, you have a choice to make: You can remain in that body and become as innocent as any baby girl. The other choice is to growth back, through an ancient ritual, as a small little girl and your spirit will remain intact.''

The wise man walks under that Kyoko's tree. He sits down and put Ryoko in from of him, the others follow.

The wise man said in English: ''Sit down and form a circle around Ryoko, You must.''. They all sit down around in Lotus position, like the old man did.

The wise man begins an incantation. You see a glowing blue light around Ryoko as she raise up in the air. In matter of second her body growth to a young little girl of about nine years old, and then she slowly fall down to the ground and the growling light fade away.

As they talk to Ryoko, the old man went away and climb back to the tree. A ground of Eta (peasant) comes by. They greet them and warm them about the technology they brought has they are forbidden in the New Empire. They advise them to go to the Republic of Japan to the west.

As they speak, they see half dozen men on horse wearing old Samurai outfit heading their way. They quickly depart and head to the west into the mountain region. An heavy thick fog cover the area, you walk on swallow water of about a few inch deep and find out that you are walking in a rice plantation on the side of the mountain. The fog lifts off and you see a Torii. It has two upright supports and two crossbars on the top, and is painted vermilion. You see tablets with writing mounted between the crossbars. The structure is made of wood and was build over the water.

Next to the Torii, there is a shrine where you see monks and priest doing their works. The Shrine is made wood and painted vermilion with two crossbars on the tops. It's designed to be a comfortable place to live for the monk.

They see the monks gather around the body of men on the ground. They quickly bring him inside, were the head of Shinto priest heal the man. The players quickly follow the monk inside. The man wake up, he appear to be Caucasian and got several implants in his head. They learn that his name is Cable Bishop and he come from the North America where he was trying to find his father in Mexico. He doesn't know why he ends it up here.

On Cable body, the monks have discovered an ancient Japanese book and bring it to the master. This book is truly of some importance for them as it relates the story of the Kusanagi, a mystical Japanese sword that could be useful to bring peace on the island. But, to their sorrow, they have learned that the Otomo Shogunate have found the location of the fable sword and has dispatched his henchmen to recover it. Two days ago, the monk has sent their best warriors in trying to stop them, but without the book, they have no idea on where to look. That why the monk ask the players to find their warriors and give them the right direction to go. After some discussion, they decide to accept and head to their last know direction in the city of Kobe to the west.

February 9th 2007

Sailing on the Japan Sea, the players soon find the missing monks onboard a similar vessel. They tell them of the location of the Kusanagi in the Sura-Kappa realm.

At the end of the night, they reach the location and, after the mages cast a few spells, they dive into the water.

They familiarise themselves with the water environment. They can see the shimmering light coming from above, revealing the underwater landscape that is about 300 feet deep. The place is thriving with life form: to coral reef to large band of fish and there's some predator like sharks.

They heads into the coral reef and they are attacked by short, gangly creatures approximately the size of an eight year old child. It's resembled a hairless monkey with greenish-yellow colored skin, webbed hands and feet, and fins on their forearms and legs. Those are Sura-Kappa defending their home, the ocean mage was able to talk to them and convince them they did not want to hurt them. The Sura-Kappa knows about the location of great sacred item buried inside an underwater cavern, but they are very afraid of the big ''monster'' who live there. The Sura-Kappa shows them the way.

Entering the dark cavern, they follow his large passage way into the deep. Hey see a red light that guides them into a large room, where a large dragon like creature is standing. The monster has eight heads and eight tails and eyes as red as winter-cherries. It's about 105 feet of length, its belly is always bloody and inflamed, and its back is covered with some kind of moss. It attacks them on sight, shooting with his plasma weapon in his heads. Sabion and Cable tries to hit is fourth tail, but without success, while the other attack it.

The dragon begins to shoot volley of mini-missile at the monks, but miss them and hit the wall of the cavern. Large rocks start to fall and some people get stuck under it. Sabion finally stroke the fourth tail, severe it and something shinny fall down under the dragon feet. Cable head to it and grab it and he swim fast as he can out of the cavern. The dragon shoots a volley of mini-missile at Cable and misses him, the missile hit the wall and the cavern begin to cave in. Cable and Jericho quickly swim out of the cavern, bringing the others with them.

February 16th 2007

Sailing back to Japan, the players spend the night on the ship. In the morning, they have reached the port city of Kobe and prepare to accost on the quay. As soon that they are a few feet of it, suddenly the ship shake up as something has hit the hull.

From the quay, dark clothed men jump on the bridge of both ships. They split in two teams and attacks; they seem to be looking for something. In the course of the battle, they target Joey, the holder of the Kasunagi sword. One of them is using telekinesis, trying to remove the sword from the hand of Joey. The players quickly dispose of them and begin to bring help to the monks on the other ship, but at that moment, both ship shake up a large humanoid robot vehicle, followed by two borgs equipped with underwater propulsion emerge from under the floor of the bridge. The large robot fire up a volley of minis, but they miss fired and they went everywhere. One of them hit the other robot, the other minis hit both ship, literally blowing them apart. Those on the ship are blow away and fall into the water.

Joey grabs one monk in the water and using his jet pack to reach the shore. But, he was intercepted by a borg leaping out the water in high speed and knock down Joey. Still Joey manages to maintain flight and Jericho quickly dispose of the borg by shooting a magic net on him. They all safely reach the shore and there is no more sign of the attackers.

February 23rd 2007

Inside one of the bars of Kobe city in Japan. A large plasma screen shows the local six o'clock news.

The newsman, a beautiful Japanese woman wearing a pink suit, said in Japanese: ''Today, a group of terrorist has strike down on the highway 15, causing eight deaths and many people were injured. We have excusive footage from the highway cams.''

A view came on, showing the highway. There are two vehicles travelling on high speed, followed by four policemen on motorcycle. In few seconds, a man wearing a large wings fire some kind of weapons at one of the cops. The motorcycle was blasted away and the drivers ejected and fall into another car. One man in the black cab shoots up another cops and he was ejected into the side wall. At the same moment, another man jump off the hovercraft vehicle, he suddenly stop in course and the motorcycle ran into him. The cops were ejected and the man seems uninjured. The cam zooms on him while all the vehicles are stopping on. The man is wearing a headgear and tunic to cover the head and part of the face, a hooded cape, loose fitting robes, loincloth (worm over pants) and ornate belt with inscribed strips of cloth with ornate jewelry dangling from the waist, walking boots, and a gas mask to cover the mouth. A square appears over his masked face and the picture is drag down on the bottom screen with Japanese writing showing on the bottom.

The masked man head to the hovercraft while a small Japanese girl, about 5 years old, wearing lose clothes, went outside of the hovercraft. The cam now focus on the black cab, losing track of the little girl and the hooded men, when suddenly, in a few seconds, the men wearing the large wing, dive to the ground and hit the cab with is wing. The cab spins out to the wall and was badly damaged. Peoples inside the cars are ejected to the ground. The cam zoom back and show the carnage, vehicles badly damaged and people injured. And the footage end here.

The announcer continues on while the criminal portrait shows up at the bottom of the screen: ''Four policemen were killed in action, their family will be notified. Those following criminals responsible for those dead are actively searched by the police. If anyone has any information about them, please call on this following number (a number appears at the bottom of the screen.). The police lose track of them at the border of the New Empire. They also believe that the little Japanese girl was kidnapped by them.''

Then the announcer change subject and talk about new political development.


At the Shinto temple, the players meet the head master of the monks. He thanks them to bringing back the Kusanagi sword and offers them to rest for a little while.

March 9th 2007

The Players spend a few days of rest at the Shinto Temple. They learn that the authorities are actively searching for them as wanted criminal. They decide to leave Japan and head to China. The Head Master opens up a portal leading to China.

They step into the wilderness, where they find a strange bird statue that radiate magic. Jericho scouting over the hill sees a large city. From the distance, the city is a frightening sight. Enormous iron walls, reaching like jagged nails up to 3200 feet high, are embossed with distorted, screaming faces, each seeming to twist and contort in the rippling air currents. Air currents that are never still, since the iron walls themselves are always heated to a degree that they glow a deep, luminous red. There is just one gateway to the city, and the sixteen enormous horned demon guards.

They decide to head southwest, to the mountain range. In a large cultivated area, they meet a man who is not afraid of them. He's a Chinese with a black beard with large red cheek and a pony tail. He wears a white dress with a black belt and a sword hangs on the side.

He offer to guide them to the Taoist temple, located in the five sacred Mountains of the Taoists. At Nightfall, at the edge of the mountain range, he quickly search on for as safe place to spend that night as he said it's going to be stuff night, as he sense that demons will roam the countryside.

March 16th 2007

The Players enter an old abandoned Inn to spend the night. The guide said to stay there, while he scout the place around. While waiting, they ears a scratching soon from the floor under their feet. Sending his observation ball and a light under floor, Joey saw several humanoid creatures. The creature appearance is a black face and entire body with black skin. The mouth is filled with jagged teeth, blood oozes from the eyes, and the hair is white. The creature has a tern, sour look on his face.

The creature jump up and pass through the floor, many players are struck with fear. The creature approach Cable and put his hand on him. Cable veins on his forehead begin to pulse as he undergoes a Psionic Outburst that unleashes his power on Ivan. Luckily, Ivan is unharmed by the attack. Ryoko tries to her pyrokinesis power and make up a flame pillar on the creature, but without effect. Conventional weapons don't work either. Joey's Life blast burn one of the creature flesh, but it's still standing.

A few second later, the guide come back and gives a hand in the battle. He takes out a paper, draw a mystic symbol on it and throw it in the air. Then he throws some sort of dart through the sheet of paper, sending it to the creature. The sheet burn the flesh of the creature and the creature felt to the ground. At that moment, Joey cast Globe of Daylight and the creatures are repelled. They flew through the hole in the ground.

The guide said that they must quickly leave this place and he leads them into the kitchen. Where a great cauldron stand under the chimney. The guide opens up the cover and they can see heads floating on the surface. The guide explains that demons have breach our world and what they see are a representation of one of many hells in china. This one represent the Chamber of Oil Cauldrons: Where Sex offenders such as rapists, lechers, adulterers are fried in oil in this chamber.

The guide closes the cover and led them to an exit door in the kitchen and they follow the guide through the forest. They sense a lurking presence that follow them and they reach a small lake. Something caught the eye of Cable, he see a lustful maiden with long, black, unkempt hair. He take on a bath in the lake and she smile at him. Cable stares for an instant and then went back to the other.

In the morning, they stop and take on some rest. When the guide wakes up, he said that they have reached the five sacred Mountains of the Taoists and he will lead them to the Monastery that Ivan is searching on.

March 23th 2007

Following the guide, the players climb on the side of the mountain range. They come across the temple they are searching for. The temple is a small pagoda: a tiered tower with multiple eaves.

Once inside, they see a bird-like humanoid sitting on a chair. The creature as strong bodies of warriors with muscular arms and legs. The human head is bald, the pointed ears large with tufts of hair growing up and out from behind him, the nose is the beak of a falcon, and the mouth wide. The wings of a falcon rise from the back to provide flight and though the legs are human, and it has the feet and talons of the hawk.

He greet them and agree on teach Ivan a new form of combat to him. In the meantime, the other take some rest and Ivan return with the falcon at the end of the day. The players discuss what to do next and decide to return home by taking the road of Russia.

Russia is the land where Jericho comes from, and after a few jumps by using Joey's spell, they get over Mongolia and come across a small attacked by raiders on bike with two large borgs. They decide to come into the rescue of the villager. The borgs has the body of a walking tank, complete with a pair of large shoulder cannons, a pair of forearm guns, and three long Vibro-Blades on the right hand. To give a monstrous, demonic appearance, the cyborg wears a protective face plate with the face of a demon, complete with long, curling ram's horns. Strangest of all is the cyborg's body armor, made of thick plates covered in jagged spines to give it a monstrous appearance. Jericho recognize them has being part of the Warlord Sokovov, a brute tyrant that he's know for his violence.

In the battle, Joey using his invulnerability tattoo, head full speed with his jetpack on the chest of one of the large borg. He missed and strikes his arms, deflect and spin on. In the meantime Jericho strike with minis on the raiders on motorcycle and kill four of them. Ryoko disable three of the raiders by using her bio-manipulation power. Joey disables the borg close to him by using the spell energy disruption on him. The remaining raiders on motorcycle head over the ovoid and to Ivan.

March 30th 2007

The fight continues on: Joey dispose of the last Borg, while the other fights off the rest of the raiders. One of them has time to fire up a flare gun in the air. There was no one left in the town. While discussing, Jericho spot multiple target on his radar. They decide to leave the place and Joey open up a dimensional door.

Something odd happen while stepping through the door, there we redirected outside the nexus point and appear in small trapper town in the middle of the forest nearby. The houses are simple wooden cabin with crops. Something is at miss over here, as women are wearing black dresses and seem sad. They find out that there are no men or child in the town.

The woman responds that their children have been taken away by an ugly witch to be feed and eaten up. Most of the town men were angry and went into the deep wood to recover them, but they have not seen them for a week. They said that the witch live in a wooden cabin inside the Kaskaras forest, a wood trapper trail lead to it.

Following the trail, the end up in a clearing, where they can see the small wood cabin. Everything is quiet, they sense danger lurking around.

Cable notice on a faint shimmering /sphere wall that surrounds the house covering a mile around it. Joey tries his luck and opens up a door inside the field and step through ... nothing happen. Cable step through as well and nothing happen as well. But when Jericho step through him was metamorphosed into a 3 foot tall, furry creature, long ears, red eyes and crawled feet and hand. He groans, then went to the house and enters. Cable follows, he hear a horrible laugh, like a rusty gate opening, coming from the inside the house.

Inside, there is an ugly old hag with five of those furry creatures. The creatures leap on Cable attacking him. The witch cast carpet of adhesion on Cable's weapons while Joey enters to help out. Then the witch rise up in the mid-air, then coming from Cable, a large burst of flame engulfs the witch. She burn and scream in the air, cursing Cable in Russian. The Witch burn down to ash and the flaming ash fall down on the floor.

They find the missing children in the basement; they were well feed to the point of being very large fat kids. They find a way to put the furry creatures outside the field and they revert back to their original form and turn into the villager's men and Jericho. After searching on they return to the small town.

April 13th 2007

The players bring back the kids back to the village. The town folks thank them and they spend the night there. In the morning, Joey opens up a portal that leads to the Caucasus Mountains.

In the mountains, they encounter entire wings (a dozen of them) of wings riders. Recognizing Jericho as a fellow brother, they escort them to the stronghold of Stone haven. The Fortress is carved into the mountain side; part of it is under the mountain foundation. They land on a large open place on the side of the mountain where more than hundred wings wait on.

Over there they receive a warm reception and they offer Vodka and a large meal. Where they dance and party on all night. In the morning, Jericho went to the body-chop-shop for refitting. One of the Kolodenko's spokesman; he said the warlord need their help to go into Poland to know what is happening to his bionics facilities over there. The Warlord Kolodenko has made a trade agreement with them and they have failed to deliver the last deliveries. He wants them to investigate what is happening on and send him back a message.

April 20th 2007

The players are now heading to Poland, stopping on the buy some Ursan forest steed in a small town and then teleport on the shore of the boiling sea. As the sun get down, they teleport in a small city of Poland.

The city is dark and soiled; the streets are littered with paper, debris and garbage waiting for disposal. Vermin scamper across the roads and down alleyways. There is an inn in the corner of the street. The building is European castle-like structure made of stone and it has been turned into a large luxury hotel.

Inside the great hall, the manager greets them on. He offers them a large room that they must share with two beautiful young women. The women flirt on with Cable and offer to go at the hotel to get some drink. Jericho takes care of the Ursan steed at the stable, Ryoko wanders off in the large corridor of the place. The other went to their room.

An hour later on, Cable is completely drunk. The young women make some serious advance to him and they went to a private room. In the meantime, Ryoko find out many locked room and use her power to open them. She discovers that the hotel is filled with Broadkils!! She hurries back on to tell her father.

In the morning, they all wake up. Cable has quite a headache and finds the others at the entrance hall. They ask directions to get to the city of Poznan. The manager tell them that the city is now off limit and the city is about to be overrun. They decide they find their way by themselves.

Getting outside the hotel, they see that the scenery is quite different in the sunlight. The city looks more as a war camp. There are soldiers and military vehicles everywhere. The soldiers are giant, 9 feet tall, humanoid with a bald head, carnivore teeth and sharp razor-like fingers. They are equipped to the teeth with large rifle, heavy weapons and missile rocket launcher. Some of them are partial borg; others got implants in their head.

Four of them intercept the players and ask them to return inside. While talking, Joey manages to open up a portal and they flew through it while blocking up the entrance with a force field. They appear in the north in a forest.

April 27th 2007

The players discover that they are halfway through to go to the city of Poznan. They detect on the radar large concentration of Brodkils troops surrounding the city. Jericho flies over the troop, dodging mini-missiles, and tries to prevent the citizen of the city of the invading menace.

Landing on the street, Jericho find they all ready knew and they have been cut off for one month without any supplies. The players try to find a way to prevent the warlord Kolodenko. Joey uses a Ley Line Transmission to send to another Line Walker at the Warlord Camp. Seeing that the city defenders are too few and they are outnumbers, the players tries sending up a radio message to the NGR, the Sovietsky and the Warlord Romanov.

The Radio broadcast was intercepted by the NGR and they will send some troops, but it's was also intercepted by the Brodkils army. This has triggered the signal to launch the major assault.

There are many Brodkils on foot. They have some military converted vehicles and power armor that they have never see it before. They also get the help of gargoyles. They use lots of volley of minis to brokes the Poznan defence. On the Poznan, their defence is barely holding on and they have many casualties on their side.

The players decide to help them out and they went into the fight. In the course of the battle Jericho was targeted by a large bot that's looks like a giant gargoyle. One of the mini-missile volleys detonate at the missile launcher and all the remaining missiles detonate at once, destroying the bot in the process. The fight continue on, but the Poznan are losing.

Mai 5th 2007

The battle continue on: They fight off the Brodkils and in the meantime the Poznan defences seem to lose ground. After a while, they seem to be too many. Ivan and Ryoko made a strategic retreat, while the other gathers on their position.

While discussing what would be their next move, they hear several Brodkils shouting from the distance. They shout: ''GRUT... GRUT!...GRUT!!''

They hear a great sound of trees being crushing over by something big.

A big furious, giant, dinosaur-like being, ripping with muscles is ripping apart the trees and run toward you. Its scaly body is covered in fine body hair; the neck and base of the skull are topped with a wild, heavy mane, with tufts of fur trailing down its spine and tail. Body hair is tan or reddish, with a darker colored mane.

The beast opens his large maw and strike on Cable and he dodges it. The beast seems not really affected by the barrage of fire they shoot upon it. It charge again and strike with his large claw on Ryoko's Ovoid. The force field takes the hit.

Mai 19th 2007

While fighting, the beast opens up his large maw and caught Cable. Jericho comes to the rescue and using his grapple-hook from his wing, was able to pull out cable from the teeth of the beast. Cable was almost tearing apart in the process. Ryoko by using the ovoid the combined water/lightning weapon make the beast furious and it jump on the Ovoid, but miss his target.

At that moment, the NGR come to the Poznan rescue with a full air company. They soften up the opposition by bombarding them out, taking care of the beast in the process. The tide of the battle turn and the Brodkils lose the fight and flee.

While heading to the city of Poznan, the players encounter a newcomer that he called himself Liu, he come from Japan and ask for their help. At Poznan, the town folk are celebrating the victory and offer shelter to the group.

Mai 26th 2007

The players decide to get back the Ursa Bears that they left on in the stable on the last city they went in. Jericho scout ahead and see that the city is emptied of the Brodkils they saw earlier. The town folks tell him that the NGR chase them away and they flew. The players find their Ursa Bears at the stable near the inn and bring them back.

Cable said that he needed to go to Munich, before he fainted for no apparent reasons. Joey probes the ley line and finds a nexus located inside the black forest near Munich. He scout ahead and appears on the branch of a very tall twisted tree and quickly return to is friends before falling on his knee. He was overwhelmed to see such an evil place.

June 9th 2007

The players decide to find an alternative road to go to Munich; they follow the path of the ley line until Joey sense that it's split in two ways. Opening the portal, they find themselves near a ruined city with high pillar. Gargoyles are nested on the top like vulture. They turn away and head north into the black forest.

As the trees get darker and darker, Ryoko find out that are followed by one small invisible gargoyle. The head to the East and come across the Lake Constance and get to the small town Ravensburg. Joey., being aware that they are still followed, phase back on the top of the gargolite and begin to blast it with lightning bolt.

In the meantime, the other encounters a group of Jager power armor from the NGR. They ask for their intend and purpose of coming in the New German Republic territories. After much talk, they offer supplies at the nearby military base near Memmingen, where the players spend the night.

June 22nd 2007

In the morning, the player went to Munich to tries to find a way to help Cable. They quickly find out that they need identification paper and the some local currencies to go around the city. In the registration center, Liu tries to steal money one of the bystander and was caught by the local police and put to jail.

After trading their money at the bank, they went at the hospital to take care of Cable. The docs said that he's physically fine and they call out a psychic to find out was wrong with him. The psychic find out that Cable brain has been tempered; someone has input information and schematic on a military base near Munich.

click here to download Open the Map.

The Psychic write down the following on a Paper:

Priority one mission: destroy or sabotage primary target

Target location: Triax facilities near the city of Munich. Spec will follows.

Time to accomplish the mission: one month (on May 11th 102 PA)


Exact location of the facilities with pictures
Purpose of the building function is unknown, but classed top secret by Triax.
An airport is located nearby
Estimation of the troops located of this site:
One Air Company located at the airport. Make frequent patrol of the area.
Two Grounds mechanized reconnaissance platoon.
Bot SD platoon patrolling the facilities.

Secondary mission (Facultatif): Retrieve any information concerning Andernach.

Find the information concerning him in the cop criminal database and in the military database (if any).

June 30th 2007

In the Morning the players went back to the hospital to find out Cable. But, NGR guards stop them and they are interrogated by Intelligence Officers about Cable. They ask about the whereabouts of Cable, trying to determine where those information implanted in Cable's brain come from. The players learn from them that Cable was surgically modified and he's a crazy. Someone has recently been tempering with is implant with coded information on the NGR Base and he have receive the mission to sabotage it.

The Officers release them and tell them that Cable would be okay, but the docs will attempt to erase those instructions in Cable's brain and that will take some time to do.

The players decide to leave their friend at their capable hand and they plan to continue on their trip to North America. Joey scout ahead on the Ley line, but he emerge again at the tree of Darkness; they must find another way to the west.

July 13th 2007

In the meantime, Cable recover from is ailment and rejoin the others. The players decide to head to the north to find another ley line. They slowly move on, and at nightfall, they stop on a small hamlet. The farmer offers them shelter for the night.

In the course of the night the poultry is being attacked by demonic predators that resemble both human and animal. Its hairless flesh is stark white, but its eyes are bright emerald green. Its rear legs are those of an animal, while the arms are more like those of a humanoid, except that its three fingers have long, sickle shaped claws the length of a short sword. The head is inhuman and has a beak-like mouth that is a sharp as a razor blade. One of them jump and attack Cable, but Jericho managed to catch two of them in his net, the third one badly hurt try to retreat, but it stopped by Ryoko's TK Force field bubble. They quickly dispose of the beast.

In the morning, they resume they road and Joey find a ley line that they follow until a nexus, where he open a portal. The portal lead under large oak trees. They hear the sound of battle and they investigate it. They see knights mounted on horse fighting pointed ears humanoids wearing green clothing. One of them cast a lightning bolt from the sky and the green men teleport away.

One Knight head to the players and ask if they are friends of foes. The players learn that they are in England near the city of Brent Tor in the Kingdom of Sitsler. The knight offers to guide them to their city to meet their king.

July 13th 2007

The city of Brent Tor is build around an old medieval castle. The Castle has been recently reinforced with modern strong wall that can wistand heavy damage. Heavy modern weaponry has been added to the donjon. The knight leads them inside the great hell where they meet the Lord Clayton Sitsler. The lord greets them and told his story about the war between is kingdom and the kingdom of Faerietopia:

''Five years ago, I receive to piece of land from the hand of King Arrth'urr himself. I establish myself with people on this land. We have a formal contact with Princess Lilia Howle, lord of Faerietopia. She was a leader of the elves communities and they live in peace with faeries and others d-bee. At the beginning things went well, we keep to each others, but for no reason, they attack our farmers. They claim that we invade their territories, we tries to negotiate, but they didn't listen. A year went by and they increase their attack on our territories. We were forced to fight on. So for four years now, there is small skirmish over our two kingdoms. Personally I waiting for more troop from new Camelot before leading on a large scale assault.''
The advisor whisper to the lord: '' Sir' you shouldn't have told them that!''
Ignoring the advisor, the lord said: '' I hate killing innocent people, that why I would like to give them a last chance and I need your help to do this.''

''I need someone who's is neutral in this and to go see Princess Lilia Howle one more time to give her a chance to reason herself.''

The players accept the quest and the lord offers to eat with him before they leave on. After dinner, Ryoko and Ivan realised that they have been poisoned! A magical poison has cursed them both; Joey can't negate the effect of the poison. They were able to continue on, even they are cursed and they resume their trip to the kingdom of Faerietopia.

In the middle of the forest they have been ambush by orcs that was hiding themselves at the top of the tree. The battle was short, but Ivan's armor was badly damaged. Ryoko manage to capture one of the Orcs.

August 17th 2007

As they resume on their road, something caught the eye of Ryoko. A giant beautiful flower hovering on the edge of the wood. They approach on and are entranced by his hypnotic movement. The plant-like creature strikes down on the ovoid trying to carry it away, but without success. They players quickly retaliate and at the end: Cable hit the things pretty hard and the body felt down the ground ... calcinated.

As they continue on, they become aware that they are being ambushed by elves from the other kingdom and they dissimulate themselves in the bush. After a few volley of magic net from both side; they tries to negotiate with them. They learn that the knights from Brent Tor are he one responsible for the war and they are only defending themselves. After much talk, they agree to meet the Princess Lilia Howle in their city. At the keep, the princess greets them on and listens to their story. She agrees to give them one chance to resolve the situation with the knight, before she launches a preventive strike against them.

August 31st 2007

The players return to the city of Brent Tor to meet again the knights. While talking to Lord Clayton Sitsler, the knights are under attack! Did the princess launch her preventive strike before given them any chance?

Jericho, followed by the others flies up on the battlefield at the castle walls. They see orcs sabotaging the knight defence and see some tiny demons resembling insects with razor-sharp barbs lining the length of the forearms, the side of the hands, elbows, shoulders, back, knees, and the heels of the feet. The fight went on.

In the meantime, Ryoko astraly scout ahead. She finds out that the lord's advisor has disappears without any reason. She went to see the Princess, has she order to the attack. Her troops open up a portal at the castle gate as the fight continue on. Ryoko tries to tell telepathically that this is all a setup and pleas to stop the fight. But, the princess's advisor caught her unaware in her back, capture the princess and teleport her out.

Seeing this, Ryoko went back at the battle and tries to stop this fight and show them what has happened to the queen. After much talk, they agree on to set back their dispute and tries to find a way to save the princess. They find out that the princess was taken away by a demon to hade. After hearing this, the elf leader sends forth old scribe, who knows the way to access this awful place. The old men talk about a place that is called ''Hellgate'', where a portal lead to it.

September 6tht 2007

The old scribe leads them to chasm that is hided by heavy vegetation. They find out a secret stair that leads down. At the bottom of the chasm, the walls are very narrow, about 5 or 6 feet wide and it's about 70 feet in length. On one side, there is a heavy vegetation of leave that cover the ground and on the other side is on the rock.

On one of the end side, the one with the heavy vegetation, there is a carved old wooden framed large round door. The door is 14 feet tall and 6 feet wide. And on the other end side, the one with the rock, there is a solid black stone heavy door. The door is 15 feet tall and 6 feet tall.

As they tries to figure out which doors to take on. Joey sense that both doors are actually two dimensional portals that is strongly linked with their respective dimension. While Ryoko ''read'' out both portals. She senses the presence of evil on both portals: the one with the heavy vegetation lead to Dyval, the other portal lead to Hades. Those are semi-permanent Rifts portal. When one open, the other one is shut. When that one shut, the other one open up.

Ryoko lead the way to the solid black stone heavy door. Cable opens the door and he feel the energy pulsing his hand has he open up the door, revealing a pulsing light of blue energy inside the portal.

As soon they step into it, they find themselves in a black void. A few second later, they are assailed by a vortex of wind and cracking blue energy, followed by blue lightning being drawn from them and into the swirling energy around them. Seconds before the storm ends, they are violently shocked and struck with a blinding flash of energy. A few moments later, they realized that they are on solid ground again.

As they recover from the rough ride, they saw that they are in underground location, inside a gigantic cavern. The terrain is an endless expanse of grey rock and dust, broken only occasional meadow, scrub plains, swamp, seas, and lava flow. They also see a high citadel at some distance. The citadel is a twisted rock formation, where lava flows on each side, forming a pool of lava on the side.

Ryoko tries to locate the princess and find her inside the citadel. She tells the others and returns back to her. She end up in a large pit in the middle of the room, where's the bodies of hundreds of half dead peoples. Some of the glassy-eyed, gangrenous corpse encased on the side of the pit where is still able to move and articulate a scream. Those scream are nothing compare of the song of accursed flutes played by tiny demons resembling insects with razor-sharp barbs lining the length of the forearms, the side of the hands, elbows, shoulders, back, knees, and the heels of the feet. Goats-like creature leaped to the sound of thin accursed flutes. Incubi and succubae howled praise to Hecate, and headless moon-calves bleated to the Magna Mater. On the side of the pit, a large demon is standing on. His awesome visage of the demon evokes a sense of raw power and unbridled evil. Its massive bronze-skinned body bulges with muscles, and its black, bat wings and flaming red eyes punctuate its demonic nature.

In the meantime, as she tries to figure out a way to save the princess, the others head to the citadel, where the only way to get in, is by a large stone like bridge that cross over a river of lava. The other end of the bridge is guarded by several wolf-like demons and one large demon: The creature appear as giant, ebony-skinned, demonic minotaur with the legs and the head of a bull, glowing red eyes, menacing horns, and breathe of smoke and fire.

Ryoko find a way to telekinesis lift up the princess to the roof and get away with the princess by the rooftop. She calls out her ovoid and put the unconscious princess inside it. She then gets down finding the others. But, she not under Joey's camouflage spell and the demon saw the ovoid coming down. The great bull demon sends out large flying demons against the ovoid, while Jericho and Joey strike down the great demon. The ovoid quickly flee to the portal, the flying demons are no match to her speed. In the meantime, the others retreat to the portal. They all return to their own dimension at the bottom of the chasm and Joey seal off the door.

September 6tht 2007

Suddenly, there is a tear of the fabric of space, a blue energy surge through and two humanoid down to the ground. One of them is a white haired male with green eyes; the other is certainly Japanese.
They were throws back from their original home and after getting acquired with the players, they decide to stick together.

Has they stand at the bottom of the chasm, a man is coming from the other side; it's the lord's advisor.

Sir Clayton Sitsler said: ''where have you been?''

The advisor answer: ''I got other business to attend for ... ''

He add on: ''There a war going on ...'' he make a pause and said: ''No, it's not your piteous little squirrelly. It's the war between our two dimensions that has goes on for millennia.''

''I have thousand and thousand of my troops waiting to be unleash upon your world. There waiting on the other side''

Gren frowns and looks up. "I see. So...Honoured Guest...where is your demons that I may scour them from the realm? I know I am new to all of this...but I will be sure to take down 10,000 demons before *I* fall." **

Gren looks back at him. "I am a Demon Queller...I don't think any of my brothers has taken less to the grave with him." **

In the sudden the advisor begin to change form and in a few second he take the appearance and humanoid with a human torso and head graced by black hair and small horns protruding from the forehead. The lower body is that of a goat with cloven hooves

The advisor said: ''That's much better.''

Gren grasps a large handle to a sword on his back, and draws his Vibro-No diachi

''Hold it, if you kill me here, you all doomed.'' said the advisor

''You see, I have given them the orders to attack on in five minutes if I didn't return back.''

He said: ''There is always a choice... ''

''You could kill me and seal off my gate ... But, in this place, if you do so, the other door will be opened. On the other side, there is thousand and thousand of Hades troops who want to get your precious queen back.''

''There is another option...''

Looking over the eyes of the lord, the advisor said: ''I want your soul.''

''If you willingly come with me to Dyval, I will orders my troops to hold it there. The princess will be saved and the world also.''

The lord answer: '' For the sake of the princess, I will make the sacrifice.''

''I won't risk releasing hordes of demons in our world.'' said the lord as he continues on. Following the demon who walks to the gate.

At that moment, Joey seals off both the gate with a spell. He sense that both doors are struggling on has the spell take effect. The power shifting constantly between the two doors.

The demon turn around and look at Joey, he said; '' you won't be able to seal those doors too long. This is useless.''

Then Gren cast Words of Truth and begin to ask his questions:

Now Demon tell us why you need his lord ship?"

''We need all the soul we can get for the upcoming war with hade. A willing and noble soul is better than any other soul.'' he answers to Grent

"Are you telling the truth about the demon army to be unleashed if you don't return?" said Grent

''Yes and no. they will attack on after five minutes. That I have come back or not.'' he answer

"Last question...how can we close the gate permanently?"

''Buried it, it's the only way.'' He answer on

The demon is now angry, that he has revealed all this.

They all get ready to bring down the chasm, the knights and the elves climb out of the chasm, Joey concentrate on to hold both doors. Then Ryoko use her tw cannon to flood up the side to create a landslide and vol the dragon throw everything he can down the chasm. It took them four minutes to fill it up.

Afterward, they celebrate on in with both the two kingdoms. A blond headed elf, called Skippio, with mage clothing and garbs, come to meet you.

He said: ''we all appreciate what you did here. I have hears that you search a way to get home in America. There is a secret place called ''the world of Spires'', where I can access to and it's a shortcut that you are looking for. I offering my service to get over there and lead you the way to your home.'' The players quickly agree on.

September 22nd 2007

Skippio said that he will be ready to leave on at the nexus point near his city at midnight, where his magic will be at his strongest. The players get ready to leave on and meet Skippio at the rally point, but he got some bad news, he has not enough strength to bring on the two Ursan Bears. While discussing, Vol quietly bring on the two bears into the forest, burn them and eat them up!

Midnight, Skippio begin his incantation. A thin line of energy appears from the ground and spread over to the sky in an instant. Ripping with blue energy and a portal open up. They step through the portal and up in a completely different dimension.

At first glimpse the place looks like thousands of Roman style columns rising out of a grey mist. Some rise to heights that go beyond the veil of the dimension, but most are at ground level. In fact, they make up the ground! They come in all sizes, from gargantuan (measuring at the largest a half mile in diameter.) to as tiny as 6 inches in diameter. The columns also vary in height, and rarely are there more than a half dozen that are level at any given location. The only exception seems to lie at the center of the dimension where a pillar that's 16 miles in diameter and 3 miles high dominates the landscape.

Vol and Jericho quickly learns that in this dimension the laws of physics are quite different. Nothing in here can fly, as soon that they enter, and they fall to the ground! They all have to make their way on foot in this strange landscape. They find out a large pillar standing about 10 feet high, with a portal on it. Ryoko and Skippio read out the portal and find out that it's leading to the Magic zone, but there is a supernatural presence well hided in it.

While trying to find a way to climb the smooth surface of the pillar, Vol see another portal not very far. This one is at ground level and they went investigate it. This time, the portal is leading on to New Lazlo and there no threatening presence in it. They all step through and appear in the wilderness, not far from New Lazlo.

New Lazlo is smaller than Lazlo. Like Lazlo, the city is a mix of ''modern'' house and minaret tower-like building glistering in the sky. Large flying hovercraft, some are conventional, other are simply sail-type boat, are flying over the city.

October 6th 2007

From New Lazlo, they head to Lazlo by opening a doorway. At home at last, they return to Pierre's house, where they find Jericho's wife, his son William and Stevie.

** Joey walks with his friends, a joyful bounce in his step **Pierre answers you at the door.
He looks very tired, as a man who hasn’t slept that past few days.
But he's glad to see you and welcome you all.
Joey: "Pierre, you look tired."
''Nice to see you back here at Lazlo.'' He said with a smile.
''It's was about time that you come back, I have to wake up at night for your little William, that doesn't helping me out while I working on at the institute.''
Pierre said; '' Your wife is busy feeding on little William.''
** Joey nods **
** Ryoko crawls out of the ovid wiping some milk from her face and goes running up stairs! **
Ryoko you run into Jolie, your mom.
Ryoko: "Moma!" hugging her shins
Jericho (Sinder): follows*
she stare at you for a moment and said: ''who are you little girl?''
''You said moma, are you ... my little girl?'' she said
she then see Jericho, climbing up the stair.
''You are here at last! It's has been nine days! Where is my little baby girl?''
Ryoko: "yea moma, da spell worked!"
Then she jump off into Jericho arms and hug him.
Still hugging on Jericho, she said: ''She's ... She's has growth fast! She looks like a nine years old girl! This is truly our daughter, Jericho?''
** Ryoko huggs moma's shin still **
** Joey begins sketching the reunion of his friends as a family **
** Ryoko STK's steavie to us to! **
Stevie is happy to see you.
Ryoko: (looks like modern art or modern art characture there Joie?) n.n
Jericho (Sinder): "yes"
Jericho (Sinder): the same ryoko"
Ryoko: "Muma!" ~huggles shin~
seeing Joey, Jolie said: ''Nice to see you again, how have you been?''
Joey: "It's been an interesting journey."
''I will be hard to get used to my girl being that old. That's very odd for me.''
She turns to Ryoko, she asks: '' do you want to hold your little brother?''
Ryoko: "Yea me saved popa wots of timez wike last adventures!"
Ryoko: "he me twin!" holds arms out!
''Be careful with your brother. Do you want to feed him with the bottle?''
Ryoko: "yah!" floating the bottle over to him
in the meantime, Jolie, Pierre and Stevie are happy and set an up a table for dinner and everyone enjoyed themselves.
Jericho (Sinder): with skipio
Pierre asks: Who's the new friend you bring on?'' he point at Skippio
Jericho (Sinder): "ah he is one who got us here quicker"
Joey: "She helped us return here much faster than we anticipated."
''where is Ivan? I really like that little d-bee.'' ask Jolie
''thanks you very much'' she said to Skippio
Jericho (Sinder): Pierre skipio skipio this is piere and my wife Jolie
''you are welcome'' he answer
''I am glad to be of help. '' said Skippio
Jericho (Sinder): Well there was a lot of things happening out there when we were gone."
Ryoko: following moma with brother big smile on face! "me miss ya stweve!"
Jericho (Sinder): and it took us a whil eto make it here
''but i not a kind of man, who like to stay a some place for long'' he add on.
Skippio said that he intend to go on his way tomorrow morning after a good night sleep.
Joey: "I can definitely understand that."
Turning to Joey: ''You can contact me by using the ley line or other magic means. I will do the same from time to time.''
Joey: "Of course my friend."
Ryoko: "Moma we vent to china hell saved people, stopped at popa's peoplez den we fight brodkil, stop war with fariez, me save a prinrezz by going in to hell but bad dragon ate da teddies dada got us!" beaming brightly rattling off really fast
(Jericho, in the dinner, you have the chance to hold on little William for a moment. He's a nice little baby boy with brown hair and eyes. He's nine days old.)
** Ryoko gives twin over to popa **
Ryoko: "Me help bring popa safetwelee home!"
** Joey draws Pierre off to the side for a chat about the sights **
Pierre follows
Ryoko: "Me onwee had to save him many twimes wike when we did befer...."
** Ryoko keeps huggling moma's shin as she is now well in the family she accidently created **
Ryoko: n.n
Jericho (Sinder): *holds the little one and bounces a little bit on knees*
Ryoko: "Popa not so hard!" :o
** Pierre listen to Joey. **
''Be carefull'' said Jolie to Jericho
** Joey relays the strange dimension of sipires, the Hellish dimension and England **
Jericho (Sinder): " OK"
Ryoko: "yep moma saw a few hellz!" smiling brightly "Saved a fairy princezz to!"
Jericho (Sinder): hands william back to mommy*
''I never heart of that dimemension called ''spire'' but it,s looks intresting. and he add on: '' I am not aexprt in those thing, you should ask a mage of those matter.'' said pierre to Joey.
Jericho (Sinder): " the sad thing is we didn't make much of a profit on this trip"
** jolie take back little William **
Jericho (Sinder): " the Monks in Japan and China are cheap "
Joey: "didn't we?"
Jericho (Sinder): did you get any magic
** Ryoko thinks moma is cool at not freaking out at mentioning we was in a few hells n.n **
** Joey takes out his small bag of gold coins **
Jericho (Sinder): " Gold yes"
Jericho (Sinder): WEapons Yes"
''you make up a fortune!'' said JOlie looking at the gold.
Jericho (Sinder): Teddy bears no"
Jericho (Sinder): * sad looks"
''Teddy bears?'' said Jolie
Jericho (Sinder): Yes big teddy bears"
Ryoko: "YEa...some weal teddies!"
Jericho (Sinder): Russian Teddy Bears"
''..ohh ...'' she said
Ryoko: "Bad dwagon ate them so me cooked some drwagon steaks"
''it's looked dangerous, hope that you didn't get your daughter in any danger, Jericho.'' she said
Jericho (Sinder): ANd the Monks we never got any majic off them"
Jericho (Sinder): " SHe got us into trouble
Ryoko: "no poppa me saved U awots!"
Jericho (Sinder): But Brave Jericho HE saved everyone"
To Jericho: ''You didn't teach our daughter some manners?''
Jericho (Sinder): " Sh Ryoko , not nice to inturp your Father telling good Tales"
Jericho (Sinder): " She is still Ryoko"
Ryoko: "popa twell her about da second time in hell!"
Jericho (Sinder): " Ah
Jericho (Sinder): in China it i sHell we had to go all the way through there lots of Magic but we didn't get any there too"
while Jericho is telling is story: Pierre talk at Joey about his work: ''We made some good finding on Victor Lazlo; this man was well in advance on his time! He has discovered what he call line of mystic energy and the focus point can draw potential extra-dimensional visitor. He even describes phenomena that he call rip of magic, transitional places of power (D-shifting) and power triads (demon sea triangle).''
''you went to China? where else have you been?'' ask Jolie
Jericho (Sinder): Then We went to Jerichos Home , Great home coming. Big party everyone had great My Lord gave me new Wing and other gifts"
Jericho (Sinder): * he stops and pauses a second*
''I wish i could have see your homeland'' said Jolie with regret
Jericho (Sinder): after parties we head north into the land of the Poles"
Jericho (Sinder): Big war going on there"
Jericho (Sinder): " much fighting" Jericho saves a City from pesky Little demons Brodkil
Jericho (Sinder): but again no magic for us"
Jericho (Sinder): ' maybe some day we go back"
Jericho (Sinder): " Did get some weapons"
Jericho (Sinder): then to Germany"
''you went around the world ...'' said pierre
Jericho (Sinder): where all sorts of things happen Joey lkill Gargoyles
Jericho (Sinder): " Hmm Yes around world I think you can call it"
Jericho (Sinder): " Right Joey Round the world?"
Joey: "Yes, it would seem so."
Joey brings up a holographic image of the the world, plotting the trip as a small red line **
Jericho (Sinder): " then into land of the Faries"
''wow it so beautiful'' said Jolie
Jericho (Sinder): we ment knights and elves"
Jericho (Sinder): And then fought Demons , Jolie saved princes for us?"
''demons, that sound awful'' said Jolie
Jericho (Sinder): yes big uguly ones we burried entry point to keep them out"
Jericho (Sinder): But they may come in other ways"
Ryoko: "muma, me fought demons wots of dem!" smiking brightly "Even wit out me gwenade wancher and stick U gotz!"
Jericho (Sinder): " yes and the Lord threw us a big Party "
Jericho (Sinder): " And we didn't get any magic"
''you did all that, you might have been hurt,'' said Jolie to Ryoko
Jericho (Sinder): " hey did fhe forget to pay yus too?"
Jericho (Sinder): " it is true but we made it out "
Ryoko: "No me nut hurt moma. Me big girl!"
** Pierre bring up a cup of wine and said: ''Let's drink to our friend, who have returned to us after that long Odyssey!'' **
Jericho (Sinder): " yes to friends"
Jericho (Sinder): " They are worth more then magic"
Jericho (Sinder): " but it would have been nice to have Magic too"
Jericho (Sinder): *drinks*
** Ryoko giggles "Brudder did sum thing." **
** Ryoko TK's a cup of wine to drink from **
''noo, you don't drink that little girl.'' Jolie pull away the cup of wine from Ryoko lips.
Ryoko: "Aww moma..." pouts
Pierre turn over to Jericho: '' i receive some news from the ''other'' William. He said that he's doing fine. He got a job as space fighter prototype tester for the United world of warlock. Jolie find this to be very dangerous job, but he said that he's only picking up prototype that he know will ''work''. The faster he goes, the more he's happy.
** Ryoko realizing some draw backs to this... **
Jericho (Sinder): " Ah that is our son"
Jericho (Sinder): *as he looks at William*
** little William smile at his father **
Jericho (Sinder): " i start teah you how to Fly one wing tommarrow" *he says to little William*
Ryoko: *straighens her dress*
Jericho (Sinder): " We should have gotten mini Wing for him"
the dinner went on and time passby. you soon realise it's well passed midnight.
Jericho (Sinder): *frowns* he would have had good bears "
Pierre and Jolie feel sleepy. **
Jericho (Sinder): " Well we go to bed"
Stevie said: '' I will keep a watch at little William and Ryoko for the night.''
Jericho (Sinder): Jericho carries William to the bedroom
** Joey recasts Sustain on the party **
Ryoko: "Aww brudder...me waz going to see da city!"
With the boosted energy, Jolie jump on Jericho. hugging him on. **
she whisper into your ears that she want to spend the night on.
Jericho (Sinder): * Kisses and huggs *Fade to Black*
** Jolie said her goodnight has Jericho bring her on into their bedroom. **
** Pierre goes to bed **
** Stevie bring on Ryoko in his arm and put her into bed. **
** Skippio goes to bed has well. **

(skipping to the morning ...)
after the breakfast, Skippio is ready to leave on.
''Well you have reach your home, time to me to go. I never liked to stay at one place very long. I hope we will meet again.''
Jericho (Sinder): " goes out and sees him off Thanks him for all he did*
''you're wellcome'' he said
** Skippio said his farewell and leave on. **
** pierre prepare to leave on to his work. **
before leaving on, he ask: '' what are you planning to do today?''
Jericho (Sinder): " no plans that I know of"
Joey: "I had some things I was working on before we left. I should look into those."
''alll right , then.'' said pierre
** pierre leave on to his work. **
Joey: "We need to collect a debt from emmerem and I need to visit my teacher."
''you will be back tonight, my sweety'' said Jolie to Jericho
Jericho (Sinder): "yes"
Jericho (Sinder): Well lead the may Joey"
Jericho (Sinder): he ows us big buks
after a few minutes into the street of Lazlo, you reach out his tower.

His tower is very tall with minaret on the top. There's large double door at the entrance.
Joey: oooh
** Ryoko tries to sneak in and follow popa in the ovid if brothers and moma don't stop me n.n **
Jericho (Sinder): Follows behid Joey
In the entrance hall, there's two humanoid giant with four arms guarding the entrance. One is female and the other male. They equip with plated armor covering their waist, arms and legs and got two large swords and two NG Super laser pistol in each hands. On of them ask what you want.
Joey: "We are here to see Emmerem."
''he' all ready waiting for you.'' said the giant
Immediately, the room disappear and you find yourself in a smaller cosy room. There are three sofas with a large chair on a nice carpet. There's a humanoid sitting on the chair, he has a short tail, a dragon-like head and dinosaur-like feet. Its scales are the beautiful gold and silver. The eyes are a glittering, emerald green. He wear rich black hooded robe with silver line on the sleeve. You recognize him as E'mm'erem.
E'mm'erem said: '' please sit down.''
Jericho (Sinder): *sits*
Jericho (Sinder): * bows out of respect*
''wellcome back to Lazlo.'' he said
** Ryoko peeks out of ovid so just top of head shows **
He said ''I still own you money, so here you are I give you your 500 000 credits has agree.''
Jericho (Sinder): " Thank you" " I hope all is well with you"
Jericho (Sinder): "Eyes glows*
Jericho (Sinder): "Joey he is good to have as a friend"
Joey: "I agree."
he turn his attention to Joey and said: '' I have received some disturbing new from the north. I have send up a party of adventurers to investigate the rumours the talk of Nightfeeder from a Withching in the Deep north. None of them came back alive; some of the Tundra Ranger has discovered the freeze body of one of them. The find out a audio recording addressed to me. The recording was a daily journal and relate the even to their demise.''
Ryoko: "Where my cutz!" takling from her ovid
he continue on: -after many days of wandering, they followed some local folklore leading to a land of deep freezing cold, where an iced forest lie hided between glaciers. The place is rather difficult to find and they lost few of their members to the treacherous pass. The cold was unbearable; they suffer from frostbite and hypothermia. In the last recording, they describe a forest filled with the howling sound everywhere.''
he add on: ''I do wonder what has happened over there, but I know that the northern witchling's followers are growling up and they call themselves the Nightfeeder. I am hesitating to send more adventurers in that dammed place, but I can't stand here and do nothing.''
''It's up too you.''
Joey: "We should leave soon."
Joey: "What can you tell us of where to find this threat?"
Jericho (Sinder): *eyes Joey with a slight fround*
''according to the reccording, they have meet up many of their followers and they get their informations from them. but the place is located in the northen portion of the canada.''
** Ryoko checks if she got her 500000 cred cut n.n **
Joey: "I see."
Joey: "What is a, canada?"
''don't feel obligated to go over there, this a dangerous place to go. but if you really wanted to go over here. i will see that you will be greatly awarded.''
'' Canada was one of the old kingdom in north america. the place is rather cold in the winter.''
''before you go, you should go to see my friend Horus. he got something really important for you Joey.''
Joey: "Of course."
''contact me if you decide to go over there.'' said E'mm'erem
''i will send you directly to Horus.'' he said
** E'mm'erem begin an incantation **
after he finish up his incantation, you instantly appears in another rooms.

you stand in small room, where Horus is standing on.
** Joey greets his mentor **
he said: ''I am glad to see you all, nice to meet you my apprentice.''
he turn to Joey: ''I have a proposition for you.''
Joey: "Yes, sir?"
''I need good professors here at my school and you are one of my best student. I know that you like to travel around freely, so I have come up with something that you might agree on. I would like that you run seminar for the student on your experience and your travels or whatever you wish to talk for. I will only take on a few hours of your time and you will do this whenever you like. Four or six seminars in years would be greatly appreciated. In exchange, you will become one full-time guild member of my school with all the advantage that comes with it.''
Ryoko: tk's any candy she see's to herself
(Ryoko, you were able to grab on lots of candies.)
''what do you think, Joey?'' ask Horus
Joey: "Of course Horus. Though we have a threat to deal with. I will pick up some recording equipment to document what I find to assist with the instruction."
Ryoko: (consider them all gone unless stopped) n.n
''yeah i know about this. i it,s a serous treat. i think this is related with the winter queen somehow.''
(they all gone Ryoko)
Ryoko: n.n
''on another topic, did you hears about Augusto Cudbury expedition?''
Joey: "I don't think I have."
''One of the notorious professor of the Council of Learning, the professor Augusto Cudbury is mounting on an expedition to the far away land of South America. He's now searching some few volunteers for this perilous trip. He plans to make this trip at the beginning of the next years (102 PA). He has just bought up a Triton patrol boat and he’s now planning to convert it into research vessel. If you are interested, I could contact the professor to meet him.''
Joey: "Oh my, so many opportunities."
Joey: "I will have to think about that seriously. When will you need an answer?"
Ryoko: *wrappers start flying out of top of ovid
''but he's not ready to leave on yet and he won't be ready until next years. you have able of time to go investigating the withching in the North.''
''I will talk to the professor about you and i am sure he will give you a palce.''
''now i have another appointment, i have to go now. have a good day.''
** Ryoko tk's any thing shiney or cyrstaly to her **
''one of my student will show you the way out.''
** Horus shake your hands and then leave on. **
Ryoko: ~grab~ *looks it over*
Joey: "Good day Horus."
** xanatos the student leave the way. **
in the large hall, The large doors are open and there's some wizard student crossing by.
** the student lead the way outside the tower. **

October 12th 2007

The players went back to Pierre's house to prepare themselves for the trip to the North. Jolie insist on keeping Ryoko at home because she too young to make that trip. For the trip, they will use on the CG hover vehicle and bring Stevie with them.

As they reach the outside of the city of Lazlo, Ryoko run away while her mom is sleeping and joint her father with her ovoid vehicle.

October 19th 2007

Heading north, they pass on near the great lake and the ruins of Old Detroit. They eventually reach the Free Québec territories. The landscape is now covers with fir and spinet. The hilled forest is cover with snow and occasionally with a small lake. The view is quite impressive.

They meet up a lone trapper, who indicate them the direction to go and sell them some furs. Still traveling north, there's less and less forest, most of the land is cover with snow. The vegetation is composed of dwarf shrubs, sedges and grasses, mosses, and lichens. Scattered trees grow in some tundra.

At the end of the day, they find out a small town, describe by the trappers near the frozen lake. The small white houses are gathered together and their roofs are covered with snow. White smoke rise strait from the piped chimney. The only street is well degage and covers hard snow that has turned brownish on the side. Small man-made mount was pushed on the side of the houses entrances and near the houses walls. Several snowmobiles, tracked vehicles and hovercraft are stationed at the entrance of the principal building, which is used as a general store. The others vehicles are stored under an outdoor shelter. Over the lake, whose frozen solid and cover with snow, there are several small huts, all with smoking chimneys. Several vehicles are stationed nears those.

Inside the Inn, they are greeted by the locals and they take on a room for the night. But in the middle of the night, some people come over and begin tampering with Jericho's wing and the CG hover. Ryoko, who was sleeping inside her ovoid was awake and stop them by sending a lightning jolt to them.

November 2nd 2007

After tying up the saboteurs, they begin to interrogate them. They learn that they are fanatic members of the Nightfeeder cult. Their were order to tamper their vehicles. Those orders came from the witchling, who's hiding inside one of the lake fisherman cabin.

Taking the air, Joey head into the cabin and cut through the roof of the cabin and catch them unaware. The two guard don't pose much of a treat, the hideous witchling tries to cast spells on Joey, but his concentration are interrupted by the purposely attack of Joey. In the meantime, Jericho and Ryoko joint up the fight. After a few strikes, the guards are dead and the withcling is blasted away.

The tumult has waked up the local folk on the lake cabins and they head out armed and angry. Jericho captures two of them with his magic net. Four others fell into the water, when Ryoko fire up into the ice under their feet.

November 9th 2007

Leaving the captured town folk locked away inside the lake cabins; the players went to the north to find the winter queen. Up to the north, the harsh winter condition and the snow blindness slow them on. They reach the large glacier that is forming up a large wall over the horizon. They find a narrow passageway: the strong wind and the snow reduce the visibility to zero and they slowly navigate into it.

They find themselves in a large clearing between the glaciers. The place is filled with spinet and fir trees covered in snow. There is no wind, but you can still hear the howling of the wind ... or is it the sound of wolf howling in the night?

Investigating with their sensors, they find out a single living thing not far away, hided by the trees. There is also a group of quadruped life sign on the other side of the valley. Jericho, followed by Ryoko and Joey are getting closer to the nearest life form.

In a small clearing, illuminated by the low ambient low light, there is a woman lying on the ground. Her soft white skin reflects by the light, she has black hairs and wears only a transparent white robe that reveals everything under. Black wound appears on her abdomen and you can't tell if she really alive, because she so pure and beautiful.

They feel overwhelm by her beauty and entranced: they get closer to her body to see if she all right. She wake up and her smile captivate them.

She said: ''welcome to my domain.
-leave you worries behind and put down your puny weapons here.''

They do as she said and put down their weapons. Only Stevie, who have remain at the hover seem unaffected by her.

The queen said: ''So you have come far from me. From where you are coming from my nice little pawn?''
She began to turn around them, looking over.
Jericho said: "I come from Russia"
''nice nice, I have some followers over there.''
Flipping her fingers over Joey's cheek, she said: ''and you?''
Joey said: "A small farming colony, in another dimension."
''Ahh and you seem to have some magical talent. That's nice.''
Turning her attention to Ryoko: '' ah a young one, where's your parents little one?''
Ryoko: *to shy to talk*
''you will going to adore me and better yet worship me.'' she said with a smile.
-I have a little mission for you, you will be able to do this I suppose.
-I need more people to worship me. I wish you to return what ever hole you live on and spread the words. Tell them that the winter queen has come to this world. That they need to worship, worship me to the death!
-Go back to your hover and be gone!''

As soon that they leave the valley, her awness factor and her entrancing voice is beginning to fade. Stevie was completely unaffected by her charm. They begin to formulate plan, but they decide to get back to Lazlo to get some help and thing that they needed to fight her off.

November 16th 2007

At Lazlo, they begin to discuss way to deal with the winter queen. Then they go separate ways.

Jericho sends Ryoko and Stevie back at his house. He wants Stevie to bring back some of the gold found in Russia. He begin to search in the street of Lazlo for some people that will; be able to help him out for dealing with the Queen. He didn't find something until hen went into a Merc bar, where he finds what he needed ...

In the meantime, Ryoko take care of Jolie and her brother and spend the day at home.

Joey, for his part, went to meet his mentor Horus at his tower. After listening to Joey story, he decides to call on an emergency meeting with the Council of Learning at the Lazlo Hall. Plato, the head Council decide to deal with this dangerous immediately. After much deliberation, the council decide to send on an elite team to deal with the Winter Queen. Joey is going to their guide and they will leave tomorrow.

December 7th 2007

In the morning, at Horus' tower, Joey meets up the team pull up by the Council of Learning. There is a Cyber-knight called Gabriel with his ogre sidekick. Azegoth, a Knight of the true vision, a weird looking D-bee. Julio Armstrong, a Techno-Wizard Delegate from the Armstrong TW Armaments. Kassissik, a D'norr devilmen Ley Line Rifter. Kenya Wallington, a Psi-nullifier. Max Fullbright, a psi-warrior. Proto-one, the bot that was rescued by the character. Horus is going to be the team leader of the expedition. They are going to be ready to leave on in the next morning.

In the meantime, Jericho meets the Freelancer Borg Mercenary to sign up their contract and make some arrangements.

The next morning, Joey get ready to leave on, followed by Stevie. He meets up the team at Horus' tower. They getting ready to leave on and the thirty bots are ready as well. Joey meets up Horus in private and talk about his concern about this critical mission.

In the meantime, Jericho takes off with the mercenaries onboard their aircrafts and head to the tower. Where they land on a large open area on the roof of the tower. Everything is now set to leave on.

December 15th 2007

They now all set. Kassissik joined with the three other mages begin an incantation. After a few seconds: The air began to make a sizzling sound, and then a thin, vertical line of energy appeared. The line began to grow up toward the sky and down to the ground. The sizzling turned into the sound of cracking energy as the line parted down its vertical center. All around the dividing line swirls of blue and white light and energy swept out in all directions. The portal open up to the snow covered landscape and they all went through the gateway.

The Freelancer Borg send out two scouts ahead to fly pass over the queen's valley, while Horus and Kassissik send out their observation ball to scout ahead. They find out that queen is still in her valley and there are five werewolves with her.

The mercenary send out their demolition expert, while bots are send in to fight the werewolves. Jericho and Ryoko head into the narrow passageway to the valley. Azegoth and Max Fullbright head there has well.

In the valley, the bots begin to fight off the werewolves. The queen sends a telepathic call for help. The Freelancer Borg are sending in all their air support. Back outside the valley, Horus begins to cast spells on the queens.

Azegoth and Max Fullbright fight off the werewolves near the queen and Max triggers on booby spell lay over there. He drops to his knee in agony. The bots are unaffected by the spells and Ryoko was inside her sealed vehicles. Jericho was outside of the circle and was not affected.

The bots quickly dispose of the werewolves with their silver plated blades and begin to strike at the queen while the other fights her off. In the meantime, Joey gets closer to the valley, getting in position to cast his spells. Losing her concentration in casting her spell, the queen at her strongest voice shout: ''There's no need to fight on.''. Jericho, Azegorth and Max Fullbright stop fighting on. The bots and Ryoko are unaffected by her command.

On that moment, the Mercenary Air support strikes down with all their missiles at their disposal at the queen. The blast destroys many of the bots in the process. Dust and smoke cover the queen completely.

Joey cast on his spell and a ley line storm strike down the queen position. He's able to direct on lightning to strike down the queen.

The cloud settle down, the queen seem unscarred in the middle of the blasted zone. The Merc drop down their Borg while Ryoko, Jericho and Joey continue to strike down the queen.

Suddenly the queen pulls her hand on her stomach and begins to vomit blood on the ground. After a final strike by one two mini-missiles by Jericho; she felt to ground. Her body remain intact. She remains motionless as blood still drop down from her mouth. One last strike from Jericho minis and her body blow her body to piece.

December 21st 2007

The sun show up and the snow begin to melt down in the valley. They search the valley for anything of value, but find almost nothing. At noon the mage open up the portal leading to their home.

At Lazlo, they discuss way to make the payment of 7.9 million to the freelancer 'borg. Joey decides to pay them from his personal account and sell the staff he has found.

Meeting again Horus at his personal guess room, he tell Joey about the Professor Augusto Cudbury expedition to South America and that's he's leaving tomorrow onboard the ''Quester''.

Back at home, they spend the night, but they are disturbed by a dream of the winter queen. In the morning, they wondering if they have truly dispose of the queen, when they receive a magic pigeon from Horus. He did also dream about the queen and was disturbed. He manages to find out a Grey seer to find out if she's still alive. After holding on, Jericho hand, he said: ''The queen is far away, in another plane of existence. There is a link with you, but the links is thin.''. He can't find anything else.

Horus has also finds a man that he coming from the palladium world. He knows a great deal about gods in general. ''I have studied some books from my home world at the great library. There was a book talked about the good. It said that god can send a form of itself on other word. It's called an ''avatar''. The god can only have one avatar for that world and if it slain it can't be bring back. So the god it's push back to his own realm.