xanatos Rifts campaign
Chronique of Deicon

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Chronique of Deicon, the Temporal Raiders

Around 97 PA: Deicon, like any temporal raiders, has builds a guild of temporal wizard and warrior to use them as is pawn for his hungry ambitions.


Around 98 PA: Deicon hire up newbie and begin to teach them the way to become temporal wizard.

Deicon form is new Raiders team: Agamenmon, 

Deicon made a deal with the Sunaj:  joint in.

Near the end of 98 PA: Deicon's team made a raid in Splynn on one large house where they stole large among of goods from successful adventurer.

Around 99 PA: Deicon create is own dimensional realm, build the pyramid, they work out on the realm defence.

Deicon purchase several blind warrior woman and tattooed men.

Deicon rifted an entire town of Lizard men on his realm, they think that he's one of their gods.

Deicon make a deal with Gargoyle Lord and rifted their entire clan on his realm. He does the same with a psy-stalker clan and a Simvan monster rider clan.

Deicon hire up Andernach and his men:  and several thousand Broadkils.

Around 100 PA: Out of revenge, the former adventurer builds out an army and wage wars upon Deicon.

On the confrontation, Deicon capture the Atlantean and give him to the Sunaj.

Deicon learn of the secret of the realm outside of time from the Atlantean.

Agamenmon has a change of heart and secretly rescued the Atlantean from the Sunaj.

In the beginning of 101 PA: Deicon expand his market on the three galaxies and begin his search on the secret realm.

June 21st 101 PA: Andernach wanted the NEMA bots from the bunker located at the Island of Montréal. They needed Pierre Tombale to find it.

June 22nd 101 PA: Pierre Tombale hired up a group of adventurers to help him to find the NEMA bunker on the Island of Montreal. There they encounter Andernatch's team on their modified military aircraft carrier and they where fought back by the adventurers.

June 23rd 101 PA: Andernach's team return a day later on the NEMA bunker and retrieve what was left inside and seize the remaining NEMA bots and bring them onboard the military aircraft carrier. Andernach find out that they need Pierre expertise to overpass the bots security systems.

With the help of few contacts, Andernach find Pierre in the city of Lazlo.

June 24th 101 PA: At Lazlo, Andernach planned a kidnapping of Pierre and he succeeded. He brings him through a portal to the Phase world, then head to the Devron's system.

First of July 101 PA: At Lazlo, Andernach planned a kidnapping of Pierre and he succeeded. He brings him through a portal to the Phase world, then head to the Devron's system.

August 7th 101 PA: The survivors on the facility were able to inform Deicon on their loss.

Deicon's knows that Agamemnon has betray him, so he reinforce his security on his realms and change all access codes.

Deicon's hired up is Assassins to dispose of the Agamemnon and his new friends.

Deicon rebuilt a new facility elsewhere. He still has the blueprint of the NEMA bots.

Deicon send his trusted temporal wizard and warrior to find the spells he wanted.

October 25th 101 PA: The assassins that Deicon as send as lost the adventurers trail at the repair station and has returned to their master. He send temporal wizard spy on phase world to find some clues of them.

November 28th 101 PA: William J, Kerenskin from the alternate future timeline come from twenty years in the future to stop Deicon. He finds his father Jericho and his friends and plan to get at Deicon's realm to finally dispose of him once and for all.

William and his news friend access Deicon's realm and kill him inside his pyramid, preventing the future alternate timeline.

Alternate Timeline

Birth of William J, Kerenskin at Lazlo from his parent Jolie and Jericho.

Twenty years later: Deicon discover the way to reach the realm outside of time.

William and his friends raid on Deicon's pyramid realm in trying to stop him, but they were too late, he was not there any more.

William and his friends follow Deicon s inside a magic nebula, somewhere inside the void cloud in the Corkcrew galaxy.

In the realm outside of time. Williams and his friend fought out a desperate fight against Deicon. Jericho, Jolie, Stevie and other William's friend was destroyed in the process. William manages to jump in the time flow and ended twenty years in the past.