xanatos Rifts campaign

Update from the last game

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May 16th 2008

The players decide to return the great city of the Nazcan. Joey spends the next seven days to learn some few Nazcan's spells. They decide this about time to return to their home and the Nazcan offers a way by opening a dimensional portal with their mystical drawing. The portal open to the desert and they end up in North America in the Pecos Empire.

After a few hours of travel, they encounter a group of people traveling with hover cycle. They propose to guide them to the nearest city for a right prize. But, those happen to be road bandits whose purpose was to strip of them of all their possession. The players didn't take them the chance to execute their plan and they quickly dispose of them. After interrogating the survivor, they decide to head to Los Alamos, the nearest big city.

May 9th 2008

At the city of Cuzco, Ryoko tries to warns the authorities by radio, but they are too much busy with the abnormal temporal dimensional activity popping everywhere in the city. Riz flies up in the city and help saving a lone Inca warrior from the teeth of tyrannosaurus rex.

The sun rise up over the horizon and they hears the sound of something very big stepping over the building of the city. The demon is gargantuan, over 30 feet tall, it's has a pair of horn and has a humanoid shape with a grey skin. Under his big shadow, you see people falling down on the ground, drained of their life-force.

The demon's shadow covers several blocks of house and building. Everyone fall down has the demon move toward the center of the city. Several attempts are made by the players and the local to stop but without any success. Light are absorbed by the demon and flame does the same. Conventional weapons and missiles don't seem to hurt the demon.

They tries to save many people has possible has they think a way to defeat the demon. They know that banishment won't work on this kind of demon.

Then Joey figures out the weakness of the demon. The demon feed on the life of the people, he wonder what could happen if someone immortal step under his shadow. But where to find an immortal?

Intala, they Inca guide know that some gifted people of the gods are blessed with immortality and are serving has warriors in the city. While they send out to find one, Ryoko was able to successfully paralyze the demon with her mental control, but she won't last very long.

Kidzarac, one of the Inca immortal step in and ask how he can help. After listening, he said that he's prepared to sacrifice is life to safe his people. Then Kidzarac enter the shadow of the demon has it remain still by Ryoko's control. He drops to his knee. A light shine up from is body. The demon begins to fracture on. Light are coming from the fracture on the demon skin. The demon is in pain. Kidzarac fell to the ground in pain. The lights are spreading through the demon. Then the demon explodes on in a ball of light! Kidzarac stays on the ground, blood are coming from his mouth. He's in state of coma and they bring him to the hospital.

The people of the city of Cuzco gather their dead for a funeral pyre. They also vary happy that this treat is over. In the meantime, the players enjoy the city celebration of the defeat of the demon.

May 2nd 2008

The guide leads them to the Ancient lair in an underground tunnel under the mountain. Riz and Juan, scouting ahead, soon find out a horrible creature: its look like dried-out corpses. He's skin clings to their bones, his eyes are sunken, and his face look like skull with wrinkled skin. His hair is long, and his ears are pierced with the traditional Inca earplugs. He wears a burial mask and cloak.

The ancient step up toward Juan and Riz, still invisible, decide to jump on top of the thing and pin the ancient to the ground. They wrestle a few moments, but the ancient is not match for the eight ton dragon!

In the meantime the others arrive on the scene. The ancient begin an incantation: Juan strike it with his sword, Joey cast lifeblast on it, but Riz flame scale is setting the ancient clothing ablaze, dealing significant damage to the ancient. After that they completely immobilize the ancient.

Juan, using his spirit ability, is able to ask three questions to the ancient that he must answer. Juan first question is: "what is the Yahuar Huacac doing to the Nexus Line and the time line?
-Yahuar Huacac, the blood weeper want to bring back a great demon from another dimension time-line.'' The ancient answer
Juan ask his second question : '' How can we stop this from happening?
- The ancient respond with laughter: '' you all ready too late, the event that will summon him is in motion and it can't be stopped.''
Juan asks his last question: «What is all of this Demon Identity?
-This is Supay, a demon of dead. His shadow kills all living things.''

After burning up the ancient, they head outside the underground lair. The Nazcan mage said: ''we need to think this straight on where they will unleash this demon. The first thing that we know is Yahuar Huacac has planned to this, so what is motivation?''
He continues on: ''Yahuar Huacac is an evil god of death; he was cast out from the god Viracocha and Inti. What is the Inca's god is the most precious to them?'' ask the Nazcan.
Juan of the Amazon said: ''the Sun?"
Itani answer: ''The Inca people, I mean us.''
The nazcan said: '' without their followers, the Incas god can't exist on earth for long. They need followers to interact with the others. The gods protect them and in return they worship them.''
Juan of the Amazon: " so he is going after the people?"
Joey: "The land, their history, their way of life?"
The Nazcan said: ''that's right and that demon can kill all people. where should the demon strike first?''
Juan of the Amazon: "so where to?"
Itani said'' oh no''' and she begin to cry.
Juan of the Amazon : " at the place they can do the most damage?"
Joey: "The main city perhaps."
The nazcan answer: '' Cuzco, the Imperial Capital, where there is the most people of the Inca empire and it's also happend to be a great nexus point.''
''i could be wrong, but that's must be where the demon will appears.''
Riz: "how far away is Cuzco?"
Joey: "That would make it incredibly easy to perform he ceremony."
Juan of the Amazon: so we go there"
Juan of the Amazon: and Now"
''we're about 100 miles from the Cuzco, the city is located into the north-west of here.''
And they head on their way to the city of Cuzco.

April 11th 2008

The players reach the great city of the Nazcan. Many of the buildings use no stone, rock, concrete, wood or metal. Instead, the imposing palaces, walls and towers are made up of solid green and red energy, glowing with their own light and harder than any normal building material. There are six domed towers in the great city; each of them stands 1500 feet tall. Many of the smaller building and houses are built with conventional materials. Guards are standing in one of the green and red entrance of the city. They are covered with drawing.

They are willing to let them enter, but they said that they won't let Joey enter. The guide learns from them that the Nazcan has some sort of grudge against the Atlantean who have caused the cataclysm three thousand years ago.

Joey stay outside, has they went into the city to meet a Nazcan versed in the knowledge of the ley line. He said that, someone is causing is disturbance in the fabric of time on the nexus line for unknown purpose. He's willing to help to locate the source of this evil doing.

Outside the city, the man sits down and begins to draw on the ground. After a few minutes he indicate that they must go north has he sense some disturbance coming from that location.

They reach one of the Nazcan's small towns, where they find people gathered inside the largest building of the town. The chief' son is dying on, has for one other townsfolk. They said that they begin to be ill when a woman appears from nowhere. The woman is all ready dead; there are black spots on her skin and blood from her nose.

The players soon find out, that the woman is coming from another time period and she brings the plague with her and the villagers are all affected. They immediately contain the area and take care of the people. Ryoko went out astraly to the next town to bring back and healer, who were magically able to cure the plague.

After much talk, they talk about what to do next and decide to learn more about Yahuar Huacac. The guide said that the god life in his secret city of the dead, their followers are hard to find, but she know that the Ancient are venerating him and she know the location of one of the ancient's lair.

April 4th 2008

The players are invited by one of the local priest to thanks them for what they did. The priest said that about their people, their fight against the Arkhon and the Nazcan, their allies. He talk about a strange event that is happening lately, has people appearing from nowhere along the ley line who are confused. Some of them talk about coming from a different time period. There also report of giant lizard monsters who appears at random who attack people. The priest wants them to investigate this one out and tell them that they should meet the Nazcan, who know a lot about ley line.

The players talk a few people about this. Juan meditates and asks one spirit for answers. The spirit replies that the disturbances are caused by group of people, they are under the influence of the Yahuar Huacac, and the disturbance is coming from the opening of the Rifts. The next morning, the players with the crew on the platform leave on to the city of the Nazcan.

Mars 28th 2008

The survivors head deeper into the mountains, in one of the depression, they hears screaming and weapons blasting. They saw a small hamlet being attacked by those same red painted flying power armor they saw earlier. The battle goes on quickly and the inhabitants are thankful for saving them. Those are resident of the Empire of the Sun.

A few minutes later, Incas warrior appears from nowhere, ready to defend their people, but too late. They explain that those alien called ''Arkhon'' are coming from the sky and they are attacking them for several month now. They do hit and run tactics and are hard to catch on.

The Incas offers to drop them on to the free city of Arequipa to get supplies. The city a modern like city with a heavy industrialized part mixed with clay building and one large ziggurat. Over there the crews get some supplies while they talk to the local. Ryoko has an idea. She wants to sell those power armor and weapons they get from to the Arkhon to the engineer, so they can figure out their technology.

Mars 21st 2008

The survivors gather what ever they could salvage from the wreckage of the Quester. They get organize themselves over the three flying platform they captured from the Cibolan.

An important decision has to be made: where to go. They know that they need a better means of transportation and some supplies. They could make a two days trip back to Manoa, but that will take them too closely to the Cibolan. They could go south to tries to reach the Silver River Republics that the captain hears about from the guide, but that's too far. They could also head west, into the Andes mountains range into the Empire of the Sun. They choose the later and head into the mountains.

After a while they reach the first elevation of the Andes. The Andean range is composed principally of two great ranges, often separated by a deep intermediate depression, in which arise other chains of minor importance. Other small chains arise on the sides of the great chains.

On the way through the mountains, they encounter five unknown power armor that attack them without any provocation. There were three red painted power armor with a one eye helmet and wings on the back and can fly over the air. The other two are large chest red painted armor with one eye helmet. There's eye golden symbol on the chest. The hand and feet are spiked.

The battle went on, they quickly dispose of the flying power armor, but one of the grounds completely destroyed one of the flying platforms with four crewmen onboard, before they get destroyed.

Mars 7th 2008

Four canoes coming from the western shore intercept the Quester. They are crewed by female warriors. The women are tall and athletic, with long black hair and tanned skin. They are dressed in archaic armor reminiscent of Ancient Greece. After much talk, the captain found out that they are ready to help the Quester crew. They are willing to lead them to their city called Manoa to make some repair. Following them, the guide said that Manoa is an Atlantean outpost. Those are not Splugorth minion, but descendant of the True Atlantean.

The Quester reach Manoa: The city is located right in the middle of the jungle. Travelers will suddenly come to a huge clearing where a mighty city stands. The city fills up the entire valley and them some. At first sight, only the top of the main pyramid and the tallest buildings and towers can be seen behind the imposing white and gold walls.

The Quester is docked at the port and repairs begin. The Amazon warrior offers to visit their beautiful city. Most buildings use Greek-Roman style architecture, with rows of columns supporting triangular roofs, open courtyards in the middle of most houses, and numerous mosaics and wall paintings. Statues of historical and mythological figures are common in public places, such as city parks, pavilions and gathering spots. The street are paved with marble blocks covered with golden inlays and encrusted gems.

They headed to the market square at the center of the city, where they make several purchase.

After the repair completed, the Quester leave the city and head deeper on the Amazon River. After two days they encounter a flying platform with two long-armed creatures onboard that vaguely resembles a cross between a humanoid, a horny toad, and a lobster. It''s as two sets of arms; a smaller, humanoid pair with six-fingered hands, and a larger, clawed set.

From their speaker, they said the following: ''You have come to the Cibolan territories; you must pay the right of passage, if you wish to continue on.'' The captain refuse on and the battle start on. Four other platforms and four flying power armor appears and attack.

After one volley of missile, the Quester is badly damaged and begins to sink in the bottom of the Amazon River. The survivors reach the shore while the players manage to dispose of all the Cibolan's attackers.

February 29th 2008

The battle continue on, Juan and Joey has a hard time fighting off the Raptor PA and begin to run away, but they are much quicker than them. In the meantime, Ryoko, in her dragon form, is fighting on the power armor attacking the Quester. The Quester fires upon the dragon all their remaining missiles. Badly hurt, they teleport away.

At that moment, Riz the dragon roar from the sky and strike down upon the Raptor attacking Juan and Joey. After, they dispose of the Raptor, they return to the Quester, who is badly damaged. One third of the crew is dead, the rest are injured.

From one of the prisoners, they learn that the attackers are from kingdom of Lagarto and they worship the Dragons, they are follower of the dragonwright cult. The Quester crew's take the rest of the day to make repair and take care of the injured.

In the middle of the night, the alarm went on! Someone has entered the engine room. As soon that Ryoko and Juan enter the room, the intruder teleport away. They find out that he has placed a bomb on the side of the nuclear reactor of the ship. Joey stops the device with his energy disruption spell just in time and the bomb was dismantled.

February 22th 2008

After a night break, the Quester resumes his trip over the Amazon. They see smoke rising from the jungle. The players with two flying power armor went to investigate, they suspect a trap.

Smoke rise up from the burned building of a small village, one man is standing waiting for them. The man said: '' you are the one from the Quester. You are those who have stopped our Tax collector?''

Joey: "Your tax collector?"
''Yeah those where our fellow, you will paid for this! Let get them, boys!''

8 Gargoyles and 4 Giants appear from nowhere to attack them out. In the meantime, the man transforms himself into a wingless, emerald green and gold, reptilian dragon. Missile volley are being fire upon them from distance. The battle rage on: Joey manages to incapacitate most of them with his spell Carpet of Adhesion. Juan strikes the upcoming missile and after a few attempt, Ryoko successfully possess the Dragon.

The Battle still rages on has 8 Raptor like Power armor attack them on. In the meantime Ryoko, has the dragon return to the Quester to see that they are under attack by a numbering force of Lizard men, power armor and Dragon. The ship is damaged has the crew fight back. The Captain Claymore manages to cut down one dragon head with his sword.

February 15th 2008

Wan return from the great palace, he explains that he meets the Omagua gods and they explain to him the nature of his transformation.

The Winter Queen has cursed Jericho to become a werewolf at the next full moon, but her avatar was destroyed in this dimension and her influence has diminished greatly. She demanded that all curses should be finished, but the Celestial court has decided to plea into Jericho favour, they argued that they should not happen because her powers here are gone. The Gods of Omagua where chosen to be the judge.

The Judges tricked the winter Queen into giving them the power to carry out the curse with modifications; they choose to turn into tiger form. The Queen thinking that a Weretiger is more powerful and dangerous, and thus Jericho would kill his family and or you too. The Celestial court then suggested a Tiger Host, Man Animal and Part man animal. They agreed that this could be done but that since the Winter Queen was loosing most of her power that the Celestial courts could not have power over the new one and that they would have to loose a Spirit Host.

So at the time of the rising Moon, the event that was suppose to change Jericho into a Werewolf; he was instead linked to a Dying Young Spirit Host Wan. Both of them merged.

On the way back, they meet up a very young hatchling Flame Wind Dragon called Riz, he agreed to go with them.

Back on the Quester, they continue on their exploration of the Amazon River. Suddenly in the middle of the day they are attacked by lizard men on canoes. The battle goes on and has they sink down their craft, someone cast a spell on the deck of the Quester, making the crew flee in terror. A moment later a dragon shows up an attack the ship. Ryoko quickly paralyse him down. He's forced to dimensional teleport back to his home, and then all the remaining lizard man flees the battle.

February 8th 2008

In the next day, they come across lizard-man villages, burned to the ground and the inhabitants slaughtered.

While patrolling around the Quester, Jericho Jericho isn't feeling good he is in the air on board his flying wing, in the air extending the ships visual range in South America. It is the night of the full moon, and he is feeling a change all of a sudden in his body. A rift opens up before him and he makes a radio call ''Rift! I can't avoid it I'm changing, Help.'' the radio cut dies. Jericho's wing crash down into the jungle.

Ryoko is the first one to arrive at the crash side, she saw the remain of a Chinese ship in the middle of the jungle! On the deck of the ship: who's broken armor is still on, lies the Husk of Jericho's Cyborg Body.

Standing near Jericho's remain, there is a Large White Tiger part Human, powerful jaws, and claws, tall Muscular male.

Wan Hai Hu looks at paws and body.
Wan Hai Hu: (confusion?)for Ryoko
Wan Hai Hu goes over to the husk and nudges it with his foot **
Ryoko: "poppa?" over external speaker using translter to make it russian
Wan Hai Hu raises head and lets out a Roar **
Wan Hai Hu looks at the one who spoke
birds and small animal flee at the sound of the roar.
Wan Hai Hu: Russian "that one is here but he is not"
Ryoko: {POPPA CALM DOWN!} telepathy on a level a daughter to father level
Ryoko: {Where me poppa!} telepathy to it
Wan Hai Hu: in Chinese «you are the one he called Ryoko?"
Ryoko chances translate to Chinese "Yes, who is you and where me poppa!"
Wan Hai Hu: Chinese "we are not here and yet we are?"
Wan Hai Hu: * stands over 10 feet tall*
Wan Hai Hu: looks at the weapons arms on the husk
Wan Hai Hu: and starts taking them off the remains
Wan Hai Hu: * slings them on his shoulders *
Wan Hai Hu: and notices a sword on his back*
Wan Hai Hu: Chinese "ah a good weapon, the gods must have had a part in this?"
Wan Hai Hu: * turns and heads below deck*
Ryoko: "Where me poppa?" in Chinese to the being "An get him here now!"
Wan Hai Hu: Chinese "Ryoko he is I and I is him we are one "
Wan Hai Hu: Chinese "but we are neither"
from below the ship deck, you can hear the sound of someone trapped, trying to get out.
Ryoko: "So wet him go den!"
Wan Hai Hu: * helps lift the items to get them out*
Joey lands on the deck of the wreckage
Wan Hai Hu: Chinese "venerable one are you and the boy OK?"
Ryoko: "me cum alwong to make sure poppa be alwight!" to the thing
An old man and a young boy climb out on the deck of the broken ship.
Wan Hai Hu: * if you see him Joey you think a Were tiger or may be some sort of CS Mutant Tiger*
The old man said in Chinese: '' I am all right Hu hsien.''
Joey nods to the old man
Wan Hai Hu: Chinese: " Hu Hsien, is that me?"
Wan Hai Hu: "yes "
the young boy said:'' where's the Kuei?''
Wan Hai Hu: " I am Different Venerable one"
Wan Hai Hu: "a Change?"
Joey: "You might want to answer her; she is quite attached to her father."
The old man: ''you are changed'' said the old man
''You are no longer Wan Hai Hu, yet you are still him or other?'' add the old man
Wan Hai Hu: "yes there is a big change"
Joey: "What caused it?"
Wan Hai Hu: " I am not sure what happened"
the Old man ask in Chinese:'' Who's are those stranger?''
Wan Hai Hu: " I am both Wan Hai Hu and Jericho and yet different"
the little boy asks again: '' where are the Kuei, there where attacking the ship!''
Joey: In Chinese, "I am Jonarti Splitstone. This is Ryoko."
Wan Hai Hu: " I know them as well"
Wan Hai Hu: *gets hit by the water cannon*
Ryoko: "Get me poppa out!"
Wan Hai Hu: " «Joey right"
Joey: "Yes, Joey, that's right."
Wan Hai Hu: «we were traveling on a boat?"
Ryoko: "Me vant me poppa bak!" to the old man "An WHO YOU!" over external speaker
Wan Hai Hu: this ship?"
Wan Hai Hu: no?"
Wan Hai Hu: a different one?"
Joey: "No the Questor, back that way."
Joey points in the direction of the ship
Wan Hai Hu: " I need to get this ship up if I can "
Wan Hai Hu: heads to the bridge*
Wan Hai Hu: we need to try to see if it will move?"
Wan Hai Hu: " the engines are destroyed"
** Joey steps off into the air to look at the vessel **
Wan Hai Hu: "Venerable one wee need to get our things and head to their Ship."
Ryoko: "Who be YOU!" again to the old man
Wan Hai Hu: can you have the Questor come along so we can transfer our belongings over?"
The old man said in Chinese: '' I am Hsing Jen and this young boy is Tieh. Wan Hai Hu was or is still my apprentice.''
Wan Hai Hu" this ship met demons our crew is all killed and I was too?"
(2701) Wan Hai Hu: the last thing the captain did was turn the ship to a burning Dragon line"
''we were attacked by Kuei on a dragon line, then when all hope fail. They disappear and there you are.'' explain the old man
Joey: "You mean a line of mystical power that runs along the earth?"
Ryoko: "Get me poppa outz of dat ting!"
Wan Hai Hu: "Ryoko listen to me"
Wan Hai Hu: "there is the hand of the gods at play here?"
Ryoko: "Doez me gota exorism ya!" to the tiger
Wan Hai Hu: «feel a calling and a scent of others further up the river?"
Ryoko: "Ve alwayz gota deal with dem evil godz who twy and take over da world! Like wast time! and da time befer dat! Wemember!"
Wan Hai Hu: «you can try, but there is nothing for me to go back to?"
Wan Hai Hu: It will kill me?"
Wan Hai Hu: and kill the other, if it can succeed"
the old man asks: ''where are we?''
Wan Hai Hu: evil Gods
Wan Hai Hu: the Winter Queen?"
Wan Hai Hu: "Venerable one we are in a Place called South America?"
Wan Hai Hu: «Something about the Winter Queen?"
''South America!! Why the gods send us here!'' said the old man
the small boy ask: ''What should we do now?''
Ryoko: "Nut wemember popa! ve defeated her twize!"
Wan Hai Hu: get our things and any thing of value and move them over to the new Ship?"
‘‘We have nowhere else to go, said the old man, we will follow you.''
Wan Hai Hu: «Joey the Lines are cale Ley lines and there was an opening?"
Wan Hai Hu: " I need you get my spare armor"
The captain asks OR: '' It’s taking you a long time, Is Jericho is all right?''
Wan Hai Hu: «Or wan's "
Joey: "Yes, a disturbance. The last thing Jericho said was a hiss, like an animal."
Joey: OR, "No captain, everything is not quite all right. Jericho is nowhere to be seen. His remaining flesh seems to have been transformed into another being."
Wan Hai Hu:» «yes We Jericho Me, me and Wan seemed to blend Wa Or I was dying on the deck?"
OR '' get back here has soon as possible.''
** Ryoko STK's poppa's borg stuff on the ovid! **
Ryoko: "Get me poppa back!"
Wan Hai Hu: «he came HE was being made a Tiger of evil of some sort?"
Wan Hai Hu: «Jericho Me and then we merged, I seemed to alter events?"
Wan Hai Hu: the Wing Is over there"
Wan Hai Hu: " I'll get it"
the old man grappled is a staff and with the boy are getting ready to follow Wan Hai Hu **
Wan Hai Hu: * Leaps off the deck to the ground and heads to the Wing*
Wan Hai Hu: lifts the wing and brings it back*
Wan Hai Hu: " Oh I seem to have gotten Stronger?"
Ryoko: "dat is my poppas!" over external PA
Wan Hai Hu: «Yes I know I am bringing it over to the Questor?'
Wan Hai Hu: «Unless you want to?"
Wan Hai Hu: «and what is left of the cyborg?"
Ryoko got all parts of popa! **

Eventually the players get back to the Quester and after Jericho's funeral, the Quester resume his trip over the Amazon. Suddenly in the middle of the night, the Quester is surrounded by glowing eyes on both side of the river.

Those are feline-like humanoids, they come in peace and they are coming from Omagua. The leaders of the city have told them to come here to meet them and to allow them to visit their forbidden city. Wan Hai Hu has been invited to meet the Omagua's leaders at the Great Palace.

February 1st 2008

The Quester truly begins his exploration of the South America, heading into the entrance of the Amazon River. In the course of the day: The Quester stopped at a couple of minor islands. Some are in an appalling state of poverty, with people living in simple huts and surviving in very primitive condition.

As the Quester get deeper into the Amazon River: The rain forest and jungles themselves are awesome. The profusion of colors, sounds and smells can be overwhelming at times, and yet one can feel at peace here. The rain forest proper is much calmer, with enormous trees and little underbrush. Even so, along the river many of the old dangers, such as mosquito carried diseases, biting insects, piranha fish and snakes still linger.

At night, they are attacked by man-sized bats, there were quite resistant to conventional weapons, but they were able to dissimilate them out.

In the morning, the Quester stop at little village builded into the river. The town is build of wood, directly over the river, anchored with pole sunk into the ground beneath the water. Those who live here are not human: Those humanoid physical appearances are definity reptilian, with fine, scaly, green skin and bright green eyes. Those lizard-men where friendly and the Quester made a few trades. They warms the crew that the river will be become very dangerous has some of their own people from the kingdom of Lagarto are very aggressive in nature.

January 18th 2008

The next day, The Quester encounters another isolated island. Scouts in flying power armor are send in and the players are amount them. The island is about half a mile in length, there are only a few palm trees and it seems inhabited. Suddenly the power armor has been caught of by something huge that rip him in half! They are attacked that they are attacked by huge tentacle coming from the ground. The island turns on to be a giant living monster! After a few strike, the players retreat on to the Quester and quickly distance on the creature.

The next day at noon, the Quester reach a large delta. This is the delta of the Amazone River. The shore is filled with tropical forest and thriving with wildlife. You are overwhelmed by the beauty of the place. The Amazon is the mightiest river ever, wide and deep enough to allow passage on the continent. It's hart to get used to the oppressive heat, the constant pestering by mosquito and other vermin. For the moment this is not a real continent has the land is formed of myriad of island of many size. All filled by tropical forest. The Quester navigates through the maze-like river between the islands.

After half an hours, a large man made ship approaching on. The occupant speaks in Spanish and appears friendly. They come from the Republic of Colombia and they were patrolling the area. They invite the crew members of the Quester to come to Ciudad Bolivar. The professor and the captain agree on.

Ciudad Bolivar is a city with a large port at the edge of the Colombian territories. The governor over there invites them on to a reception in his palace. Over there, they saw some huge misshapen d-bee, whose serve has guard. They learns that those are anti-monster, those are human who's has been magically enhanced to fight off the vampire treat coming from the north. They also learn of the existence of the fabled El Dorado that is hided inside the Amazon plateau. The River is very dangerous because of the numerous pirates. The governor offers one of his Anti-monster guards to accompany the Quester on his quest.

January 11th 2008

The next day, the Quester didn't stop his trip, passing by the Island Kingdom of Montréal and then on the shore of the Old Bone. The Quester reaches the Saint-Laurence gulf and head to cap Breton, and then head directly to the south, avoiding the proximity of Newfoundland.

After two days on the Atlantic Ocean, they reach the demon sea triangle. The weather get worse has black cloud gather over the horizon. The storm rage on all around, the sky turns bloodish. Joey cast one spell and the storm stop, preventing the ley line storm.

The next day on the demon sea, the Quester is attacked by a floating creature. It's look like a carnivous monster encased in a shell. The creature is floating above the ground; it's about 20 feet tall and about 50 ft long. The mouth, filled with large teeth is in the front of the shell. It's got a kind of lobe just above the mouth and there's some tentacles coming form both side of the mouth. The battle went on: Ryoko has the idea of creating a TK Bubble around the creature, enabling the Quester to take some distance to fire up a volley of missiles. The creature sinks down like a stone after Ryoko use her bio-manipulation to paralyse the monster. The Quester fire up volley of torpedoes to finally get rid of the monster.

On the next day, the Quester leaves the Demon Sea and head south. They encounter a small island, where the players volunteer to explore. A small settlement of primitive level humans were scare off by them and they leave them alone.

January 4th 2008

In the morning, the players prepare to leave on. They went to Lazlo's port. Located on the shore of the Lake Ontario, the port of Lazlo is a mix of modern technology and magic. Where modern ship mix with old fashions sail boat that can fly up into the air. A large tower that radiates a blue light is the tallest structure of the port and serves as a beacon to navigate on the water. There are several high cranes that serve heavy cargo on ships while lighter one is lifted magically by operating wizards.

They quickly find the Quester: the ship is a Triton Patrol Boat converted into a Research Vessel. It's a fast combat boat that uses a hydrofoil propulsion system for great speed. The boat is also well armed with a complement of missiles, medium-range torpedoes and two-heavy rail guns. Some TW features have been add on it as well.

They are greets on by the Professor Augusto Cudbury, the Captain Claymore and the rest of the crew. They also meet an old friend Liu and a Ronin called Dokken, who have been hiring up for the expedition.

After three days of travel, the Quester reaches the Saint-Laurence River and they encounter a large CS ship, which let them pass on their way. After two more days, they eventually reach the Island Kingdom of Montréal.

I have put in text file all the update of 2007. You can view it in the link below.

Click here to view the archive of 2007

I have put in text file all the update of 2006: January through September. You can view it in the link below.

Click here to view the archive of 2006 Part One

Click here to view the archive of 2006 Part Two

Click here to view the archive of 2006 Part Three

Click here to view the archive of 2006 Part Four

I have put in text file all the update of 2005. You can view it in the link below.

click here to view the archive of 2005