xanatos Rifts campaign

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My campaign is based on Rifts, the year is 101 PA and the players are currently in North America.

My campaign focus on fun play for everyone in the rifts world. I wanted for my players to have an interesting evening that they can enjoy. I personally like to develop the player's background stories.

We play every Friday night at 20h00 to 23h00 Eastern time.

We use the software OpenRPG that you can download on the link below . The game is on the Veav 1 server under the name Rifts Campaign. There's a password to enter that I give to my players.


House rules

I use the rules find in the Ultimate Rifts book (aka RUE), but there's one rule I don't use is the rule that any MDC damage that depleted an MDC body armor that the exceeding damage don't go to the wearer. (See page 355 Ultimate Rifts)

I also use the -10 dodge rule for ranged attack.

For the News players

From time to time, I recruit news players. Those new players start out at first level and I'm almost open to anything, except for to powerful character (like half godling, sea titan inquisitor, psi ghost, temporal raider and ect). And I also recommend making a character background with your character sheet.


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© 2002 Kevin Siembieda; © 2002 Palladium Books®, All rights reserved world wide.

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All incidents, situations, institutions, governments and people are fictional and any similarity to characters or persons living or dead is strictly coincidental.

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5/2/2008 Third year anniversary !!